Page 68 of We Will Rule

“Yes, it has, but it hasn’t seemed important to you so far.”

“I’ve been—”

“Studying, yes, I know. But there’s nothing in that course that will help you, and you know it. Any information you have on The Games is from inside the family. You think we all don’t want to be living it up in some bachelor pad, doing what the fuck we want when we want?”

Actually, no, I don’t think that. I think he doesn’t see the need for education or any space from the bitter, violent world he’s created. I think he loves the power, the fear, and the chaos he creates on a whim. I also think he hates not having control over me, and this is what it’s all about. I don’t need his money, and I don’t need him. The car is the only thing I’ve ever accepted from him.

“You want me to quit,” I say, hazarding a guess at where this is all going.

“I think if you were insistent on protecting those you love, you wouldn’t be wasting your time leaving them so unprotected while you attend your little school.”

“You leave her alone,” I say. I’m trying not to spit the words through gritted teeth, but I’m not sure I’m successful. I hate that he knows about her, and now he also knows she’ll be my weakness.

“Oh, are we negotiating?” He acts as though there’s not threats hidden in his every word, but I know better. The mere fact that he knows Harlow’s name means there’s potentially a target on her back.

“If you man up and admit what this conversation is actually about, then we might talk. You need me more than I need you, and I think you forget that.”

“But now Harlow needs you too,” he says. I scoff. I don’t think Harlow has ever needed anyone in her life.

“And she’s the only reason I’m even entertaining this conversation,” I say. “It’s the only leverage you have, so use this time wisely. If you go too far, that’s it.”

He grins a smug grin, like the cat that got the cream. “Fine, son. I’ll leave her alone.”

“You all will. She’s off limits. And if you want me to cooperate and go along with the plans of thefamily, then you’ll stand by your word.”

He sucks in a deep breath through his teeth. “That’s a big order from someone who happily lives on the outskirts of this family.”

“What do you want?” I ask. “You want me to quit university?”

“You’re stretched too thin, son. Worn out. Neglecting your obligations to this family. I want you to quit one—school or work. From now on, you’ll be having a more active role within the family. We won’t be cast aside until you deign to visit us when you have nothing else on.”

“What does that mean?” I ask.

“It means you use this time to start preparing for The Games. It’ll be you leading my team. You need to start training them, preparing them, and yourself.”

I scoff. “Not doing your own dirty work this time?” That was news to me, but partly explains why he’s let himself go recently. I thought he’d be leading the team for The Games, with me there as tactical support.

“I’ll be ready to go when the time comes, son, but it’s your turn to step up. The next generation must be fit to lead.”

“Fine,” I say. “Are we done? I’m suddenly not hungry.”

“We’re done. I’m sure I don’t need to go so far as to offer an incentive,” he says.

“Incentive.” I sneer. “Do you mean bribery, or threat?”

“Such callous words, but take it how you will. Pull your weight, and we’ll leave you alone.”

“I hear you loud and clear, Father.”

I storm out of the dining room as if Hades himself is on my tail. I don’t even notice that my uncle has followed me out until I’m wrenching open the car door. His hand settles on the roof of the car as I throw myself into the driver’s seat. There’s anguish in his eyes, and I wonder if he knew what I was walking into. I doubt it, though—Father keeps his ambushes close to his chest, and my uncle has always been on my side. Mine and Clara’s.

“She’s really sorry,” he says softly, worry in his tone. Clara told them? But I can’t even muster any anger toward her. She’s forced to live here. Locked away from the vicious men of the world, protected by more vicious men inside. Not that she’s harmed, but she’s suffocating, I know she is. If she used the information to buy her some freedom, or anything positive, then I have to give it to her guilt-free.

“It’s fine. Make sure she knows I’m not upset, okay? Tell her I understand.” He nods and closes the door. As I pull out and head toward home, my breath quickens. The enormity of what I’ve just agreed to sinks in, and it chills me to my bones.