Page 6 of We Will Rule

“Where is she?” he asks, looking around me as if I might be hiding her, but he’s out of luck tonight.

“She’s gone home.”

“Good. It’s not safe for women out so late. Not safe for anyone, really.”

“Don’t I know it.”

I scroll mindlessly on social media while the food’s prepared and then carry it home, leaving it on the kitchen island while I take a shower. Harlow left out clean sweats for me on the bathroom counter, and I smile. We’re like an old married couple already. I love it. Registering that she was naked in here minutes before, the steam still in the air from her shower, has me feeling a certain kind of way.Don’t do it, Sawyer.I tell myself it’s pervy to jerk off over my best friend when she has no idea, but knowing it and being able to stop it is one thing, and it only works half the time. Trying to get the image of her wet curves out of my head, the image of her heaving chest covered by a sheen of sweat pops in instead. Not helpful in the slightest. I run through the alphabet listing gym equipment to keep my mind distracted and climb out, drying and dressing quickly. By the time I’m back out, Harlow has dished up and is pouring out drinks.

“Thanks, Angel,” I say as I take a seat.

“Want me to explain what I learned while we eat so we can crash after? I’m on early tomorrow.” She grimaces. I nod around a mouthful of noodles, and she talks me through what she covered with Nico today. Her face brightens when she mentions him, just like it did in the gym earlier with me, and my mood sours. I don’t know what Nico’s problem is, and I haven’t asked, but every time I go into the coffee shop when they’re both there, I catch him watching her. And there’s no way you can spend that much time with Harlow and not fall for her personality, even if for some strange reason you didn’t find her attractive.

It can’t be long until he makes a move, no matter how shy he seems, and watching Harlow with a boyfriend will be so much harder than seeing her with all the random losers she uses for a night. Or would it help? A tangible reason to calm down with the touching and napping and couple activities? I know Harlow says she doesn’t want to get into anything with someone she works with, but I know she’d break that rule for Nico if he ever got around to it. Or maybe he has the same rule? Maybe he doesn’t want to risk having to work with someone who’s turned him down, and I get that. I’d rather be with Harlow as friends than ruin it and not be with Harlow at all. What they went through today seems really interesting, and she goes on even as we finish and I wash our plates.

“Wow. He really gets a lot of information in that course.”

“Yeah, and you know what? There’s nothing we’ve heard of so far that I think we wouldn’t be able to do.”

“You’re not that far into it, but I hope you’re right.” Learning of something that might prevent us from joining The Games next time round would crush Harlow. It’s what she’s wanted for so long, and I get why, which is why I’m in it with her. Even if I don’t have the same need for justice, I’d follow her to the depths of hell to protect her. “Nico doesn’t know what it’s for, right?”

She bites her lip before she answers, tugging on it with her teeth. “No, but I don’t like being a liar. Although, he hasn’t specifically asked. I think he’s just happy to be sharing his work.”

“And you don’t want to tell him?”

“I know people are going to think we’re crazy when they find out. I’d rather he didn’t think that, at least not yet. Plus, it’s safer for everyone to keep it quiet.” She’s right. Ordinary people avoid the literal battle for power that is hosted every five years, but Harlow could never be described as ordinary. The normal reaction to the rounds of endurance, brains, and combat that attract the most powerful men in the city is to avoid them. But she’s running headfirst into them, determined to change the future of this city. And she’s worrying about some reserved university student thinking she’s crazy?

“You could ask him out, you know? You’re not exactly shy.”

“I know,” she says quietly. “I kind of accidentally did earlier.”

“And?” I hope my quick response is taken for a friend eagerly wanting to know rather than the real reason.

“He shot me down,” she says with a shrug. “Basically said he can’t wait for the sessions to be over.”

I frown at her in confusion. “Ouch.”

“Yeah. Whatever. I’m gonna head to bed.” She stands to hug me, and I envelop her in my arms, pressing a kiss to her hair.

“Night, Angel.” She murmurs a “night” against me before padding to her room and shutting the door behind her. Harlow’s crush on Nico has never got her down before, but I guess this is the first time he’s shut her down completely. Minutes ago, I was worrying about how Harlow having a boyfriend would affect me. Now, the thought of her being unhappy because of not having one has me hoping Nico does make a move. What is his problem?