Page 37 of We Will Rule

“My phone,” he says simply.

“Oh, come on. Is it Hunt-A-Guard or something? It’s obvious you know more than you’re letting on.” Out of the corner of my eye, I can see him eyeing me warily, but I keep my focus on the road.

“More like Avoid-A-Guard,” he eventually says.

“How did you manage to get that?” I’ve never heard of software like that being created, not to mention the illegality of tracking people without their knowledge, and I’m sure if my father had, he’d have it by now.

“I made it. It wasn’t hard.”

“For you, or in general? Because I’m pretty sure it would be hard for anyone else.” What secret talents is Ezra hiding?

“You’re very inquisitive,” he says instead of answering, but I’m not put off.

“From what I gather, that app you’ve made is tracking the Guards, whether it’s to avoid them or not. You can’t have bugged them all physically, so I’m guessing you’ve hacked into something—maybe the telecommunications network? And anyway, how can you be sure you’ve got them all?”

“I’ve got them all.”

“How do you know? It’s not like they keep a payroll and report income to the tax department. Either you’ve bugged each and every one of them—not likely, because it’d have to be undetectable on scanners and wouldn’t account for new gang members—or you somehow have a list of them and are tracking every single phone of anyone affiliated with the Guards. Not only would that be illegal, but it would have to be undetectable to their own hackers. You couldn’t leave a trail of breadcrumbs that could lead back to you. So, what are you? Law enforcement?” Ezra definitely has some secret talents. I wonder if they’re a secret to Harlow too?

“You know a lot about technology.”

“I know a lot about the premise, I wouldn’t have a clue about how to execute it. Criminology is more my forte.”

“Good to know,” he comments lightly, but I have the feeling he’s filing away that bit of information. He also hasn’t answered my question. “And you’re right. It is nearly impossible. But not completely. Turn left.”

His abrupt direction takes me aback, but I follow it, even if it’s heading the wrong way, assuming it’s to avoid Guards. We don’t talk any more. Ezra is focused on the app and giving more directions until we pull up outside an apartment block a couple roads over from mine. Ezra messages Sawyer and Harlow to say we’re outside, and it’s not long before Sawyer is joining us.

“Thanks for this, guys. I was happy to wait it out.”

“Harlow was worried about you,” I say, and he nods. I’m sure he’d do whatever it takes for her to be happy, just like any of us would. We hear about another three people attacked as we’re on the way back, and I think we’re all glad when we pull up outside their apartment block. By the time I’m inside after Sawyer and Ezra, Harlow has jumped up and wrapped herself around Sawyer in a giant hug. His arms cradle her back, and relief flashes across her face as she looks over his shoulder and sees us.

“We have to be ready, Sawyer,” she says, her eyes flitting between Ezra and I.

“We will be, Angel.” He sets her down and gives her a kiss on the top of her head.

Harlow turns to hug Ezra, then surprises me by hugging me too, and I squeeze her tight. I can always use the excuse of adrenaline later.

“Have you eaten?” Sawyer asks Harlow, and she shakes her head. “I’ll order some dinner. Ezra, you staying?”

“Yep,” he replies, pulling Harlow back into his arms and giving her a light kiss. I start to pack my stuff up, assuming Harlow isn’t in the right headspace for studying.

“You’re not veggie or anything, Nico?” Sawyer asks.

“No, but I should get back before it’s too dark. Thanks anyway, man.”

“Don’t go!” Harlow blurts, pulling stiffly out of Ezra’s embrace. “Stay here, just for the night. Just until we know they’re gone. Unless you have to get back for your girlfriend or something? But I’m sure she’d understand you not heading back on your own when they’re so crazy right now.” She’s babbling, and when I look to Ezra and Sawyer for an opinion, they both shrug. “The sofa’s pretty comfy, or—”

“Okay, I’ll stay,” I say with a smile before she talks herself out of the invite or stresses even more.

“I didn’t realize you could say so many words at once, Angel,” Sawyer mocks, and she rolls her eyes, but the atmosphere is light again. Harlow settles as Ezra winds his arms around her from behind and leans down so his mouth is by her ear.

“Do I get a sleepover invitation that enthusiastic?” Harlow blushes and flicks her eyes up to mine to see if I’ve heard. I smirk at her.

“You’re all annoying,” she says with a mock huff as she pulls out of Ezra’s hold and heads for the sofa. “Sawyer, are you feeding us or what?”

“Yes, ma’am.”