Page 2 of We Will Rule

“Hi, Sylvie,” Sawyer says as we stop. “I didn’t know you were coming. We’re heading to work.”

“Hi, Sawyer, Harlow. That’s okay, I’m here to make sure 2b is empty.” I didn’t even realize they’d moved out. We barely see our hallway neighbors anyway. “It will have new tenants next week.”

“Oh, great. Okay. See you later.” We all smile, and Sawyer and I carry on down the stairs and out the front door. The coffee shop I work at is only a ten-minute walk away, and then Sawyer’s gym is five on from that. He picked a great location for our apartment and somehow got a great price to lease it for, but I’m not surprised—he’s a charismatic miracle worker. He’s quiet on the walk over, which isn’t unusual. He’s not a massive morning person at the best of times, and the sleep we got this morning isn’t a decent amount for a normal person. It was great for me—I can’t seem to sleep well alone, so I don’t sleep a huge amount anyway—but I’m sure Sawyer is feeling it.

“Do you want to skip training tonight?” I ask, and he turns his head to look down at me.

“No, I’m good, Angel.”

I love when he calls me that. It started when we were young and has been his nickname for me ever since, long after he realized it wasn’t true.

“Are you sure? You look dead on your feet,” I say.

“It’s important to stay regular. You need to be ready.”

“Sawyer, we have three years.”

“Not just for that. We both know the Guards are getting worse. I want you to be prepared to handle anything.”

I scoff. “If the Guards try something, we both know there’s no fighting back.” He stops still and grabs my arm to turn me to look at him.

“If they ever try anything, that’s exactly what I want you to do. Whatever it takes to get to safety. We’ll figure out the rest once you’re back with me.” He looks so serious, I nod. “Promise me, Angel. Just get back to me.”

“I’ll always try,” I promise. That seems to satisfy him, because he starts walking again.

“So, training just after six?”

“Seven thirty. I’ve got a session with Nico tonight.” He doesn’t say anything, but his jaw tenses, and I suddenly feel guilty. “Sorry, don’t wait around for me. We’ll reschedule.” He wraps his arms around me as we stop in front of the coffee shop, squeezing me hard before dropping a kiss on my hair, then pulling back.

“I’ll see you at seven thirty at the gym. Get Nico to walk you, it’ll be dark by then.”

“Okay.” He turns and walks away, and I watch him like a lovesick puppy.