A full-bodied shudder wracked him at the same moment that she keened low in her throat. He swallowed her cry of ecstasy in a kiss. Soft and comforting where he was aggressive and hard before.

Through it all, as her body shook and shivered against his, he held her tightly to him, lower bodies still tangled like mating seahorses.

He kissed her again to calm her, to soothe the wild, galloping heartbeat he could feel against his own breastbone.

Before long, the kiss grew needy and desperate once more.

She boldly clasped her hands around his scale-covered rear end and squeezed.

He smiled against her hungry mouth and gave her what she wanted, locking his hardness against her soft notch.

They danced like this for hours, spinning in the liquid darkness, twirling beneath the waves.