He was just a man, albeit a disheveled one. He wasn’t in his dragon form. Not at all shocking to see. Though, he supposed his state of undress wasn’t entirely appropriate. Especially for Lady Brigid’s eyes.

He didn’t expect her to answer, but she did.

“Because…you’remine,” she said, looking him directly in the eyes for the first time since she entered the chamber.

“Only I may see you like this.”

He didn’t understand what was so fascinating about him that she saw. Until her eyes alighted on his jaw like a physical touch.

His skin tingled as if she did touch him there. He could swear he felt the light caress.

Then, those bewitching eyes moved to his throat, bared by the opening of the robe. He hadn’t bothered to tie it tightly. He was in his own private rooms, after all. He was relatively certain he was allowed.

Would she look further?

Most of his chest was revealed, almost down to his navel. He wondered what it would be like to feel her gaze on the rest of him. His human nipples beaded into hard, flat disks at the thought alone.

How strange.

Abruptly, the flare that ignited her eyes into bright green flames banked once more as she lowered them, looking now at her own clasped hands.

“Tomorrow, I will convince my aunt and uncle to let us travel back to Scotland by ourselves. You, me, Ben and Annie, that is. Not-not just the two of us, of course.”

Why was she stuttering? Brigid never stuttered. She always seemed so self-assured.

“I’ll think of something believable. That will give them comfort I’m in good hands.”

She blinked owlishly behind her glasses at that, amending, “N-not that I’m referring to any particular set of hands, especially yours…just…you know what I mean.”

Actually, he didn’t. But Brigid being in good hands wasn’t what he focused on.

Sai scowled.

Humans were too gullible. Why hadn’t the Rathbournes thrown him out by now? They trusted their most precious treasure too easily to others.

“Depending on our mode of transportation,” Brigid rallied with a deep breath to continue, “it could take as little as seven or eight days, or as long as a fortnight.”

He didn’t argue against her plan. It was as good as any, though he didn’t know what was in Scotland that she wished to return to.

Didn’t matter. He would protect her for as long as he could.

“The unicorns can be hitched to a coach if that is easier for all four of us,” he offered. “They are far stronger than horses, and with unmatched endurance. We cannot leave them here in a crowded city, in any case.”

“We shall take Uncle Charles’ clarence then. It seats the four of us comfortably and only requires two horses to draw it.”

“Two more steeds for the road would be best if your uncle could spare them,” Sai suggested. If they were attacked again, and he fully expected they would be, they needed better ways to flee.

Or charge at their enemies for a counter attack, as in Ben’s case.

“I will arrange it,” she said, and he had no doubt that she would.

The woman was pure magic.

“Well,” she murmured softly, glancing at him beneath her lowered lashes.

She’d been doing a lot more of that lately, he noticed.

“It is time I bid you goodnight, my prince.”

He wished again for her to stay. She made him warm in ways he’d never been before in his entire existence.

But he simply said, “Goodnight, fair Titania. See you in dreams.”