How would Erelive?

He couldn’t.

He’d simply roll over and die if anything happened to Sorin. After he threw a fit so earth-shattering, he dragged half the world with him to hell and back to protest the cruel injustice of being deprived of his Eternal Mate. Hehad tofind a way to heal Sorin.

But first, he needed to understand what was causing this.

He’d noticed nothing out of the ordinary when it happened. They’d been taking it easy in the skies, since Benjamin’s friend Annie had come along. In deference to the newbie raptor rider, they’d been cruising smoothly, gliding like kites with the wind. It was similar to floating on one’s back on the surface of a serene lake. Took no effort at all.

Then, out of nowhere, Sorin lost all of his flames. One moment he was a blazing star, and the next he was burnt-out ashes.

Ere saw his Mate’s eyes roll into the back of his head before he began his death fall. Somehow, the phoenix had had the presence of mind to catch Annie in one tight claw when she tumbled from his back with a screech.

And now…

Here they were.

In a way, Ere wondered whether the Jade Emperor’s summons saved them from crashing to their deaths.

A split second before they hit ground, Ere knew instinctively that Sorin wasn’t going to make it. He wouldn’t reach the phoenix in time.

Even if Sorin managed to protect Annie from a fatal impact within his hard claw; even if Ere managed to pull up at the last moment, Sorin himself would still break on impact. A fall like that would shatter every bone and tear every sinew. Even Immortals couldn’t survive it.

But just as Ere’s heart had stopped, the ground disappeared.

They all materialized in the Great Hall of the Celestial Palace, including the two mortals, Benjamin and Annie. What miraculous timing the Jade Emperor possessed, to have pulled them from a harrowing Fate at the last possible second.

Yet, Ere didn’t believe in coincidences. Everything happened for a reason.

It was this understanding that decided him.

Benjamin was meant to go on this quest, wherever it might lead, whoever or whatever he might find. And Ere was meant to stay with Sorin, to find a way to fix him. To bring him back to life.

He pulled Benjamin aside and started talking up a storm.

His son stared incomprehensibly back at him, his eyes darting between Ere’s eyes and mouth, as if the boy was trying to read his lips.

Right. Ere was still bleating like a fucking addlepated sheep.

He swung around to glare meaningfully at the Master, who observed the chaos he created from a short distance away, hands clasped serenely behind his back.

“Oh, very well, you may use your voice,” the old fart said. “Employ this gift wisely.”

Ere growled menacingly in his throat, but didn’t translate his sentiments into words. He needed to keep a leash on his temper if he wanted to help prepare Benjamin as best he could, then see to his still unconscious Mate.

“Listen closely,” he said urgently to his boy.

“Keep your wits about you on the quest. Trust no one. Question everything. I wish you didn’t have to go alone. I wish—”

“Oh, I’m totally going with him!” Annie inserted herself, putting her head together with theirs as the three of them formed a huddle.

“No, you’re not,” Benjamin argued with brows lowered.

“Try and stop me,” she retorted readily.

“The girl may go,” the Master contributed helpfully, his voice carrying from the few yards of distance away.

“You’re still not—”