The style highlighted even more strikingly his sharply angular face, intensely bright eyes, and the sinful, winking diamond in his earlobe.

Even Ben had to admit—the man exuded a raw, primal sensuality that seduced without trying. No matter one’s gender or preference.

“We are ever so flattered by your condescension,” Lady Rathbourne was saying for the umpteenth time.

The family was seated all together in the Blue Room, their very best and grandest room to receive such important guests.

As if he planned it, the prince’s wardrobe matched the room perfectly, the dark hues throughout the décor serving to emphasize his incomparable elegance.

The man of the hour simply dipped his chin in a slight nod.

He hadn’t spoken much since arriving. And although his manners were somewhat stilted, as if he was figuring out how to respond by gesture or word as he went along, rather than a natural, ingrained reflex, his deportment was above reproach.

The cautious hesitancy he displayed only made him more attractively mysterious and untouchable. Too far above mere mortals like them.

“Lady Watham’s success is still the talk of the town,” Lady Elizabeth gushed. “I expect no other gathering this Season will be able to compare.”

“Will you be attending other balls, your Highness?” Lady Lucille asked eagerly.

“No,” was the curt response.

“Operas and musicales?”


“How long do you plan to stay in London, dear prince?” Lady Rathbourne asked.

Only Ben saw his eyes slant briefly in Brigid’s direction.

“I don’t know.”

A slightly awkward silence ensued, as it frequently did between bouts of stilted conversation and nervous tittering from the Rathbourne ladies. Despite his manners and the clear purpose of his visit, the prince clearly didn’t know how to proceed.

He darted a look at Ben and Annie and pretended to sip his tea.

Ben knew he pretended, because he never swallowed. He didn’t touch the platter of tea cakes piled in the middle of the table either.

Either the man was too nervous to eat or drink, or…


It made Ben wonder yet again just what sort of creature he was.

A dragon, for certain. But he seemed strangely out of place in this world. Almost like a ghost or an illusion of a flesh and blood man.

He was here, clearly. He was in his true form. But at the same time, he also didn’t seem to be entirely present.

Ben couldn’t make sense of it.

“It’s such a lovely day!” Annie jumped in with a delighted clap of her hands, after sharing a subtle, meaningful look with Ben.

“Lady Brigid, might I tempt you to go for a jaunt about the park? You promised to show Ben and I around this afternoon. Perhaps we can kill two birds with one stone and take Prince Saiyan with us? He mentioned the other night at the ball that he’s unfamiliar with the city sights. This is the perfect opportunity.”

She glanced between Brigid and Saiyan and batted her lashes meaningfully.

“Wouldn’t you agree?”

The prince took the hint.