“Don’t mind me,” Lord Larkin said with lazy nonchalance. “I am rather impressed with the man myself.”

Lucille nodded fervently.

“I have never seen such a costume as he wore. Those must have been real jewels, don’t you think? And a diamond in his ear as well! It practically winked at me from all the way across the ballroom.”

“How scandalous,” Brigid murmured with a smile.

“Mr. Brummel himself would turn in his grave if he was still alive to see,” Lucille added. “All that blinding silver and gold. The exact opposite of Brummell’s dictates for fashionable gentlemen.”

“Or, Mr. Brummell would see the light,” Annie chimed in. “Literally and figuratively. One can’t argue that Prince Saiyan cut a dazzling figure that one can only dream of.”

“So true, dear friend,” Elizabeth sighed.

“He is the stuff of every girl’s fantasy.”

She grasped Brigid’s hand again.

“And he only had eyes foryou, Brigid. I can scarcely believe it!”

“Nor can I,” Brigid admitted.

“Oh, if only he had stayed longer,” Lucille whined. “I don’t even wish that he’d asked the rest of us for dances. Though, of course, I do wish it. But I would have been just as happy had he simply stood there to be admired. I could have gazed upon him and not blinked even once for the entire night.”

Brigid patted her youngest cousin’s hand and smiled with mischief.

“Not to worry, dear,” she said.

“You may still have your chance to stare your fill. I have suggested that the prince attend us on Tuesday afternoon. I do not know if he will come, but the invitation has been extended.”

The girls squealed so shrilly and bounced with such uninhibited enthusiasm that the entire carriage rocked precariously as it trundled all the way home.

Later that night, finally in the privacy and silence of her own bed and chamber, Brigid closed her eyes to go to sleep.

She wished that Morpheus would take her swiftly, for she couldn’t wait to enter her dreamworld once more.

Perhaps she would find him there, as she always did. Perhaps, this time, instead of the story playing out as if she were merely an observer, she would have a central role.

And become Titania in truth, to her beloved beau—

The Pale Prince…

Faerie Realm, Seelie Court.

When Brigid entered her dream world, she became Titania in the flesh.

Her human form didn’t change. She didn’t suddenly become taller, less…round, or more beautiful, but she was completely in her element.


The airy, gossamer gown she wore swathed her body in semi-transparent white and pink. Just enough to give tantalizing indication of her shape. Mysterious dips and valleys, curves and hollows. But concealed enough to leave all the most important bits to one’s imagination.

She knew exactly whose imagination she wanted to inspire the most.

Her hair, just as frizzy and wild as in real life, burst forth in a thick, soft halo around her head and down her back, like a fluffy lion’s mane. But it was artfully pulled back in strategic places by flower pins. A lily here, a rose there. A string of violets around the crown.

And scattered all around her gown.

The rest of her was bare. No bloomers, petticoats or corsets to be found. No gloves or stockings or even slippers.