Sai rather thought—no, heknew—he only needed one.

Someone kind and full of light. Whose laugh sounded like bubbles that foamed with curling waves. Whose eyes shone with keen intelligence, dry wit and warm compassion. Who looked at him as if she truly sawhim. The dark and the light within him.

The monster and the man.

Just then, Brigid’s gaze met his.

And there it was. The moment of truth.

He wanted to be looked at just like this. He wanted, only and always, to have Brigid’s eyes on him.

So, he did what any sea creature worth his salt would do when he fancied a female he wanted to impress—

He dove elegantly into the churning waves from his lofty boulder, swam furiously for a few dozen yards, shot into the air on a powerful surge, and belly flopped back down with a loud, reverberating crack.

Brigid stood arrested on the rock where he left her, staring after him with rounded eyes and mouth.

He took it as a good sign. She was duly impressed.

Hence, he performed this leap and belly flop many more times as he swam back to her, making her squeal with delight, after the initial shock, and clap her hands together with glee.

That was quite acrobatic, good sir!she called out as he drew near, kneeling on the rock and leaning over the edge to get a better look at him.

You must show me how it’s done. I want to try it too!

He shook his head but flashed a toothy grin, exhilarated that she enjoyed his display.

You need fins to do that,he told her.Your body is not made for it.

But come into the water with me,he invited. I will teach you another dance.

He thought she might balk at the request. Human women seemed loathe to mess up their ensemble.

But she surprised him by leaping inelegantly off the rock in a tangle of flailing limbs and a shrill, happy shriek.

She cannonballed into the water some feet away from him, and he quickly reached her as she opened her eyes beneath the waves.

Could she breathe? he wondered.

It was a dream. Surely the rules of the real world could be bent in dreams.

But she seemed to be holding her breath, cheeks puffed and eyes round. Bubbles of air emerged from her nostrils and mouth. She was poised to head back up to the surface to renew her breath.

But Sai wanted to keep her in his world. He had so much more he wanted to show her. Somehow, he knew that if she resurfaced, their dream would end.

He didn’t want to wake up yet. He wanted to stay with her.

He wanted her to stay with him.

So, he did the only thing he could think of. What he did when humans who fell from their ships needed saving.

He took her in his arms and put their snouts…er, mouths…together.

Sharing his breath.

His heartbeat and strength.

One such infusion from him should last her a long while. He could tell she no longer held her breath.