“That’s why I love you, Archangel.” She spread her wings, folded them back in. “Your mother seems happy.” Caliane had remained at the Enclave property since her arrival, content to spend time with Raphael and to speak to Keir, though she’d also taken a liking to Montgomery.

“Yes.” Turning to face Elena, Raphael held her close, their eyes locked together. “You make me proud to be yours, hbeebti.” Power in every word, his emotions a fury. “I know she is difficult, but you are treating her with grace and compassion.”

“She’s your mom, Raphael, and she loves you.” It was as simple as that. “Speaking of Caliane, we should fly back. She said she can only stay another day without putting Amanat at risk and you’ve already had to be at the Tower for hours to deal with Cornelius and Giorgio.”

His kiss was a storm inside her, making her body ignite. “We will continue this when we are alone.” With that, he fell backward off the balcony before twisting in midair and rising.

Show-off. Taking flight herself, she waved to her Legion escort, recognizing him now. The Legion were like identical twins, times seven hundred and seventy-seven. Each was the same, and yet once you got to know them, each was unique.

This one was a sweetheart and not the least bit creepy on his own.

He waved back, and when she went to her greenhouse after landing, he came with her. Go spend time with your mother, Raphael, she said when her archangel frowned at her. Caliane and I, we’ve made our peace. Or at least begun the process. That doesn’t mean we want to see each other any more than necessary.

His lips curved, the sea a crashing wildness in her mind. I will see you in our bed, Guild Hunter.

Count on it, Archangel.

•   •   •

Ashwini walked into Banli House to be told that Tanu and Arvi were in the winter-and-night-cloaked gardens. Stepping outside, Janvier by her side, she followed the sound of animated voices to find her sister sitting on a wrought-iron garden seat under the moonlight, Arvi by her side. Tanu had a thick blanket wrapped around her, while Arvi was wearing his coat.

They were both smiling, their conversation fluid.

“Ashi!” Tanu’s face lit up. “Come, sit.” She held her blanket open.

Heart breaking into a thousand shards of pain and hope, Ashwini accepted the welcome and leaned into her sister’s side. Arvi rose at the same instant, held out his hand. “We never met properly. I’m Arvan, Ashwini’s older brother.”


The men shook hands, then Arvi retook his seat beside Tanu, while Janvier located a metal outdoor chair, brushed off the snow, and set it up to Ashwini’s left in front of the seat. Then the four of them sat talking under the moonlight. Carl brought out coffee at some stage, and, warmed by the liquid, they remained outside for hours more.

Tanu was vivacious and intelligent and occasionally sharply sarcastic in her replies as she’d been before the degeneration. And Arvi, he laughed helplessly at several of Tanu’s retorts. But for that single incident five years past, Ashwini hadn’t seen him that way since she was a young girl. It made her realize just how much of her brother had broken when Tanu fragmented.

Throat tight, she looked helplessly toward Janvier. He reached quietly under the blanket to take her hand. The two of them were silent for the most part, Ashwini content to sit with her sister’s arm around her while Tanu and Arvi spoke, two pieces of a whole that had been torn apart and who’d found one another again for this single magical night.

“It’s time,” Tanu said with a smile as fire kissed the sky on the horizon, dawn whispering its arrival. “I’m so happy to have spent this time with you and your Janvier, Ashi.” Her sister hugged her tight before releasing her from the blanket. “You grew up as smart and as wild and as beautiful as I always knew you would.”

Reluctant to go, but knowing she had to, Ashwini rose to her feet to find herself pulled into her brother’s warm, strong arms. “I’m sorry for not being the big brother you needed,” Arvi said against her ear. “But I have always, always loved you. I am so proud of you for what you’ve become.”

Tears choking her throat, she hugged him with all her might. “It’s okay, Arvi. I understand.”

She hugged Tanu again as well, her arms wanting to hold on forever. “I love you, Tanu. You and Arvi both.”

Face devoid of darkness, Tanu kissed her on both cheeks. “Live an extraordinary life, won’t you, Ashi? Fate has promised me you’ll make it.”

Ashwini couldn’t speak. Nodding jerkily, she grabbed Janvier’s hand and left the garden. It wasn’t until they were in the car halfway down the long drive that she let the sobs come.

“Cher.” Janvier pulled over to the side, beside a winter-barren oak and hauled her across the stick shift into his lap. “Ashwini, what’s wrong?” One hand on her hair, he held her against him, his other arm locked around her waist. “Please talk to me.”

She couldn’t, not for a long time. The first wave of the sun’s rays had warmed up the sky when she whispered, “They’re gone.”

Janvier grew motionless around her. When he moved, it was to press a kiss to her hair. Voice thick, he said, “You knew they were saying good-bye.”

“Arvi started dying the day Tanu began to disappear.” Her brother had done what was necessary to bring Ashwini up, had even become a celebrated surgeon, but he’d been a ghost of the Arvi she’d once known. “Tonight . . . today, Tanu was herself, truly herself, for the first time in years, and I saw Arvi again.”

“They made the decision together.”

“Yes. Everyone used to say Arvi was the alpha of the twins, but they were always equal.” And so, after years of saving Tanu from herself, Arvi had waited for her to come back long enough to make certain of her wishes, waited for a decision uncontaminated by the mysterious disease that haunted the women of their family.

Swallowing past the lump of grief inside her, she reached into her jacket pocket. “Arvi gave me this.” He’d slid it in during the final hug she would ever receive from her big brother.

Janvier took the small envelope, shook it open in the passenger seat. A golden key fell out, along with a folded piece of paper. “I think it’s to a safe-deposit box.”

She smiled through the sadness. “That’s Arvi, organized to the end.”

When Janvier passed her the notepaper, she unfolded it to find instructions on how to access the box. Arvi had written in his strong, sloping hand: