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Something was watching him.
There was no sound or movement that supported Kai’s intuition, but he knew in his gut that he was right. The tingling sensation at the nape of his neck didn’t lie.
He didn’t know who was tracking them or where they hid, but he didn’t sense danger from them. Instead, he felt a cautious curiosity. Perhaps even a reluctant fascination.
It wasn’t that he was particularly empathic—he wasn’t. It was more that he knew what it felt like to home in on a target, to scrutinize and analyze it until he could predict its actions, even its thoughts.
In battle, and as a predator, he used these skills to defeat his opponents or subdue his prey. Sometimes, it was enough to simply know how things would unfold, rather than following through.
For a worthy adversary, he could even be persuaded toplay. Instead of outright slay.
The novel part of all this was that Kai was on the receiving end of the unseen attention for a change. He was being methodically tracked and observed…
But for what purpose?
“Good hunting today,” Ere said from a few feet away, huddled close with his Mate in the tall grass, underneath a makeshift tent of woven reeds.
In the darkness of night and the shielding weeds, Kai couldn’t make out anything of the man, only hearing his disembodied voice.
“Never had mink for dinner before. It’s got this…gamey kind of taste. I can get used to it. Like exotically spiced chicken. Everything ends up tasting like chicken, right? And the fur is perfect for a neck warmer. Looks like I’ll need it the farther we travel.”
Kai grunted, hoping that was signal enough for Ere to cut the chitchat. The male did like to talk.
And talk and talk and talk.
“Are you warm enough by yourself over there?”
Ere obviously didn’t catch on. More likely, he chose to ignore Kai’s lack of response.
“There are two blanket rolls,” he related solicitously. “You can take one. I’m sharing with Sorin. He’ll heat both of us up, what with being the phoenix and all. Even in human form, he’s hotter than every other living being in existence. Here, take one.”
“No need.”
Kai didn’t expound further.
The truth was that as long as he was connected to the earth, on solid ground, his body adjusted to his surroundings as needed. He didn’t have to maintain a certain internal temperature to survive. He simply drew energy from the earth around him.
Ere yawned audibly, giving Kai hope that the male would soon fall asleep and be silent.
Why couldn’t he be more like his Mate? Sorin had barely uttered two sentences on their journey together thus far.
Sorin was Kai’s kind of male.
“How far do you suppose we have to go before we reach the edge of worlds? Does the Red Witch of the North live at the edge or beyond? Or do we get to her first and then the edge? Why doesn’t Shifu ever provide a damn map? I swear he sets us up for failure on these quests. I’m of a mind to keep the Wish of Wonders if and when we find it, just to spite him.”
Kai heaved a put-upon sigh and rolled to his side, facing away from the direction of Ere’s voice. As if his broad back could be used as a wall to block out the annoying male’s incessant chatter.
“There seems to be a long stretch of treacherous looking bogs ahead. How are we to get across? I hope they’re not too deep, and that the horses are tall and strong enough to wade through them. Gods forbid I have to slog along beside them. I can’t stand mud. Especially when it oozes. Gets into so many unfortunate crevices, you know.”
“Shut. Up,” Kai growled with great feeling.
“Now that’s just mean,” Ere whined. “Don’t be like that. We haven’t seen each other for tens of thousands of years! And now we’re on an adventure together. Just like old times! You must be a little happy to see me again, hmm?”