They smiled with welcome. Several of them raised their hands to wave at him. There were colts and fillies among the group. And human women who rode upon some of the centaurs’ backs.

A frission of awareness, a ghost of a memory, chased down Andros’ spine.

His own back felt empty and bereft without the weight of a female. But he could not recall that he’d ever had one.

Had he?

What did she look like? Smell like? Sound like?

What did her body feel like against his? What did her kiss taste like?

He couldn’t remember.

She didn’t exist.

Suddenly, a blinding pain stabbed his heart and head, lanced into his very soul, and he shook himself to clear it.

This wasn’t right.

There should be no pain here. Only peace and pleasure. Contentment if not happiness. He wanted that, right?

What was the alternative?

Remember the agony, centaur? Remember the endless burn?A voice rumbled through his mind.

Remember the feeling of being torn apart. Of every particle in your body razed by hellfire.

He did. He remembered.

Far more clearly than the inkling of a female he feared was conjured by his own imagination.

The pain was real. The woman…

She was merely a dream. One that would disappear at any moment.

One that had already left him.

Yes, child. She was never meant to stay with you. She is not a part of our world. You know this deep down, don’t you.

Let her go now.

She will only hurt you more. And in the end, despite your pain and struggles, no matter how hard you try, she will still be gone.

Let her go…

He tossed his head and stamped his hoof, dispelling the phantom pain that had seized him just now, He didn’t want to suffer it again.

Even as his eyes burned with unshed tears. And his heart slammed forcefully in his chest.

He had to let go.

He wanted to be carefree.

He neighed at the herd of wild horses below, calling out to them.

They neighed in welcome back, entreating him to join them.

And so he did, galloping down the hill to race with the herd, letting the wind brush over his heated skin, taking away the pain in his body and soul.