Ere’s chest could only be described aslean. Though he prided himself on good bone structure. His shoulders were broad and in proportion to his six-and-a-half-foot height. He knew Sorin loved his body, especially hisdisproportionately large, extremely round and tight ass.

But not as much as Ere loved, adored,worshippedSorin’s ass. If only the male would let him have it more than once in a blue moon.

Gods! When was the last time?

Ere couldn’t even recall. It had definitely been a few weeks. Sorin only “gave in” on special occasions. He always made Ereearnthe right to fuck him.

Ere felt his Mate’s body heat like a languid embrace, and couldn’t resist leaning closer, until his head rested on the shelf of Sorin’s muscular shoulder.

“I guess that’s the magic of a fertility dragon,” he murmured beneath his breath, so that only Sorin could hear.

“Makes her happy,” his male said in his low, smoky voice.


Ere raised his head a little to look at Sorin’s profile.

“Helping people fall in love.”

Ere rested his head once more.

“If only she can help herself,” he snorted.

“She is already there,” his Mate said assuredly, as if he was stating a proven fact.

“She has only to accept it.”

“Hmm,” Ere mused.

He saw the truth of it as well. In the way Divina couldn’t help but sneak glances at Andros, who stood a few feet behind him. The way her body practically vibrated when Andros was near, like a tuning fork. The way her eyes lit up and her cheeks tinged with color.

She camealivewhen he was near.

And for such a vivacious, extravagant, effervescent woman, that was really saying something.

“So,” Ere started with a teasing smile, though Sorin didn’t look down to see it on his face.

“When didyouknow you loved me totally and eternally?”

Sorin didn’t reply for long moments. So long, Ere wondered if he would at all.

Even though he knew, was absolutely certain, in his heart of hearts that Sorin loved him beyond all reason, he still held his breath as he waited for his answer.

The male never said so in words.

I love you.

Never that.

Ere didn’t mind. He didn’t doubt. But he loved to tease Sorin and prod and poke at him to saysomething. It was their little game, and Ere loved playing with him.

Just when he thought Sorin wouldn’t answer, the magnificent warrior husked just one single word:


And Ere melted into Sorin side. Just turned to goo right there beneath the awning of the alehouse. He closed his eyes and reveled in the certainty, strength, and conviction of Sorin’s love.

How in the world did he get so lucky? How was this possibly his life?