“I don’t need protection. I only needed comfort. Do not forget that I am powerful in my own right.”

“Of course,” Cloud acknowledged with a dip of his head. “Which is why you are the third member of the party to take up the Jade Emperor’s quest.”

He gestured with a sweep of his arm toward the base of the hundred steps to the Celestial Palace that could be seen at the far edge of the gardens.

“Shall we?”

Divina took a deep breath and drew herself tall.

Well, as tall as her five-foot-three form and two-inch heels allowed her to be.

She didn’t know what the Jade Emperor had in store for herself, Ere and Sorin. But she did know one thing:

Whatever it took, she was going to meet that centaur again. And when she did, he’d know the full force of the Quetzalcoatl dragon’s fury.