She glared up at him.
“No need to be so graphic.”
“Just saying.”
With that, he sauntered away with an arm slung both casually and possessively over Sorin’s broad shoulders.
The warrior glanced behind him at Divina, his golden eyes showing concern.
She spread her lips in a bright smile and wiggled her fingers in a wave.
Have fun!her silent gesture said.
At least someone was getting some lovin’ tonight.
But that left her standing alone outside the stables with no clear direction to go. Well, she still had Chewie, who was licking his balls with unseemly fervor.
Even her dog got some lovin’, regardless that it was from his own tongue.
And then, she felt a scorching heat literally reach out from the shadows of the stables to envelop her from behind.
Right before she heard his deep, husky voice.
“Come, female.”
Divina’s entire body froze as uncontrollable shivers coursed through her.
She could take that command in at least two different ways. “Come,” as in come with me. Or “come,” as in orgasmic release.
Either one sounded like just what she needed at the moment. She didn’t even feel irked that he called her “female.” With any other male, Divina would have given him a piece of her mind.Learn some respect!she would have retorted. She had a name; use it.
But when Andros called her “female” inthatvoice, which was honestly little different than his normal speaking voice, just slightly deeper in timbre, she wanted to giggle inanely with pleasure.
He could call her anything he wanted. Amen.
He didn’t wait for confirmation from her quarter before walking away, his long, silky tail flicking as he passed by her.
She couldn’t be sure he’d done it on purpose, but the satiny whip brushed her bare arms, lashing her with instant arousal.
Oh, she was insoooo much trouble.
Wordlessly, she obeyed, softly ordering “stay” to Chewie when he tried to follow too.
The mastiff whimpered a bit, but sat back on his haunches dutifully.
Divina should have felt guilty for leaving her baby alone by the stables, but she couldn’t muster it.
All of her attention was focused on Andros.
She walked a few paces behind him as he made his way toward a separate structure, a smaller barn standing apart from the large hall where the other centaurs bedded down for the night.
There were a few torches on the outside of the buildings to see by, despite the darkness of the night. She tried not to stare at the hypnotic way his stallion rump moved, the way his muscles shifted beneath that shiny ebony hide, the rhythmic clip-clopping of his hooves.
She didn’t try very hard.
Did this make her a pervert? To lust so blatantly after a horse-man?