Coming in great, wrenching, clenching heaves. Her mouth open, eyes wide, staring astounded into his own.

On the heels of her pleasure, before the last wave ebbed, Wolfe finally allowed himself to move. To pull out a couple of inches and plunge back in, giving himself just enough friction to chase his own release.

He hoped he wouldn’t hurt her more, at best get to his end before she shoved him off or stabbed him with her sword. But instead, she moved with him. Her body instinctively pushing and pulling in counterpoint to his own.

They held each other’s eyes as he well and trulytookher, unable to hold back, not giving her quarter.

Even though he made light of her words in his mind from earlier, he now understood fully what she’d felt when she said them: He could feel her heartbeat inside him. All around him. Throbbing in time with the pulse of his cock. Their hearts beat as one.

They wereone.

“My Wolfe,” she uttered on a breathless moan.

A moment before she shattered once more.

Shattering him in turn.

Wolfe roared to the heavens as he came, pouring all of himself into this one small female.

And he knew, despite his earlier words, that she was the one who’d taken him.