She seemed to sense the moment before his crisis, heard the hitch of his breath, for her lapis lazuli eyes shifted to his. Held and stared as he came apart.

With a roar, he let go.

His hot seed splattered thickly on her body, waves upon waves of it. On her breasts, her stomach, her throat, her mouth.

For a few moments, she was immobilized with shock. Simply watching him, their gazes fused.

And then her tongue darted out to lick slowly around her lips, still swollen from his kisses, lapping up his cream. Tasting it.


His heart hammered in his chest as he watched her, as his body still shook from the aftermath of his release.

She hummed in the back of her throat and licked her lips again, her eyelids drooping with pleasure, lips curving in a wanton smile. And he heard her unspoken words clearly in his mind:

Mmm, I love your taste. Give me more.

His body reacted of its own volition, his cock spilling more seed from its swollen head.

Her hands pulled at him, and he moved without thinking, obeying her command. Until he placed the crown of his still iron-hard manhood against her mouth.

Her small hands pushed his away and wrapped around his aching column, right beneath the pulsing, painfully sensitive head.

She stared at it so fixatedly her eyes slightly crossed. In any other circumstance, if Wolfe wasn’t in his own body, he might have laughed at the half-wondrous, half-dubious expression on her face.

But he was too exhausted to laugh. Yet, incredibly, his lust kept burgeoning the longer she stared. His cock kicked in her possessive grip as if it had a mind of its own. Impatient for her to do more than look.

She darted out her small, pink tongue tentatively, licking at the cream that pearled from his cockhead’s tiny mouth. Daringly, she thrust the tip of her tongue into the opening, the way he thrust his into her mouth.

She flicked her eyes up to watch his reaction, and practically purred at whatever it was she saw on his face.

She did it again and again, fucking his cockhead with her tongue, closing her tiny mouth around the swollen glans, her lips stretching obscenely around his thickness. Sucking. Alternately softly, then harder. Making him hiss, making him rock his hips.

Then, she meticulously licked him clean, wherever she could reach, greedily bringing the dollops of his seed to her lips with her fingers, rubbing the rest into her skin.

Holy God!

To see any woman thus, insatiable for a man’s taste, greedy and possessive. It was what every man wanted. To know that only he could make her feel this way. To be owned and craved by her this way.

But to seeRuithus…

Something fundamentally shifted within Wolfe. Flaying him open.

She was leaving, he reminded himself. She wasn’t his.

No matter how his body and some unknown part of him protested otherwise.

This knowledge, this truth…


At last, he took her hands away from him. And that hurt even more.

She growled a complaint, narrowing her eyes, but quieted when he laid his body over hers and covered them both with her thick over-cloak.

He notched his shaft against her cleft and brought her mouth to his with one hand cupping her jaw.

She softened immediately beneath him, pliant and warm.