Except, she was already aflame. She was an inferno. His precise movements against her made it at once hotter, wilder, yet somehow soothed the edge that burned her.

He turned the fire intopleasure, the pain of the flames into bliss.

And he hit something wonderful with each delicious pass, that made her brain turn to mush; her body, to putty.

She sucked hungrily on his undulating tongue, nipped demandingly at his swollen lips.

Something was happening. She didn’t understand it. It frightened her with the uncontrollable unpredictability of it.

She clutched him to her as close as she could, wrapped her arms and legs tight, then tighter still, around him. She tore her mouth away to shudder with breaths, unable to catch them.

She was falling, plummeting, soaring, drowning.

Why did it feel sogood?

Even though she was afraid, why did she feel so safe?

It was Wolfe, she realized. He made her feel this way.

Only Wolfe.

“Let it happen,” his husky voice whispered in her ear, his lips brushing her jaw.

“Come, little one.”

What did itmean?

She thrashed her head back and forth with confusion, her eyes squeezed shut, mouth parted, chest heaving. She wanted to please him. She wanted to “come.” But she needed…she needed…

And then he gave it to her.

She felt the enormous, throbbing head of his man part nudge open her folds, steadily parting them, pushing into her body, and indeed—cleaving her in two.

The pressure was incredible. She’d never felt anything like it. She didn’t fear that he would hurt her, though she felt that was inevitable. She simplywantedit. Needed it.

So, she pulled him even closer, clutched him ever tighter.

When eons seemed to have passed, though perhaps it was only a few seconds, she felt him hit a barrier inside her.

He stopped advancing. Why did he stop? She tried to make him come deeper, digging her heels into his ass.

But he was too strong. He wouldn’t budge. Instead, he moved his hand between them, until his thumb pressed down upon the apex of her core.

A low wail started in Rui’s throat as her body seized and froze on the precipice of some unknown.

He kissed a trail from her mouth to her throat to her breast. He licked at the slight, soft, swollen mound and the distended bud that pulsed for his attention. And when he sucked it into his mouth the same time he softly rubbed his thumb against her pearl below…

“Come for me, Rui.”


Her whole body splintered apart. There was no other way to describe it.

It was an implosion, an explosion, aremaking.

And when she finally came back together, she would forever be changed.

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