Rui was planning to do a reconnaissance around the tournament area, but first, she needed a bath more than she needed her next breath.

Fortunately, there was a large lake on the opposite side of the fort hill, enclosed by a ring of trees, before their numbers thickened into the forest beyond. It was the perfect opportunity to wash off the grime from days of travel, as well as scope out the site for one of the competitive events.

As a water dragon, she weakened over time when she was far from water, which she needed more than air. The unrelenting rain during their first day in this time and in these lands helped Rui stay strong, even as her companions (especially Ere) suffered from the endless dreariness and wet frigidity.

Yesterday, she was glad to not have needed to expend much energy. When she rode with Wolfe, his solid presence and the inexplicable trust she placed in him helped her conserve her strength.

But today, when she had to ride with Tristan, then spending the whole day away from water, accumulating dust and dirt as she, Ere and Sorin walked miles and miles, taking care of necessities and errands, she felt drained.

All animal spirits detested being dirty. Unable to take dragon form, she couldn’t even clean her scales with her tongue. She was beyond ready for a cleansing dunk in the lake.

Rui strode quickly past the circle of tents and human activity. When she crested the top of the fort hill, she broke into a sprint, aiming directly for the lake.

The water…she could smell it. Fresh and clean. It would be icy cold, but she didn’t care. Even in her human form, she had no doubt that her body would adapt quickly.

She couldn’t wait!

She burst through the veil of trees and began to pull her clothes off when the lake came into view. It was well into the night; all of the humans were drinking, stuffing themselves and gambling at the fort, the castle or in their tents.

No one was about.

Haphazardly, she threw her tunic and boots off and didn’t care where they landed. Only her sword she kept close. Carefully, she placed it on the edge of the bank, before she drove in wearing only her skin, sluicing through the water like a sleek, silver dolphin.

Ah, bliss!

The water was indeed icy cold, not nearly as comfortable as the salty sea, but it was water, and she loved it. She wished she could take dragon form and really frolic to her heart’s content, but she made do with what she had.

Back and forth across the lake she swam. Diving deep. Tumbling beneath the surface. Floating lazily and gazing up at the serene moon, wondering if her friends at the Celestial Palace were looking down at her even now through the Mirror Pond.

“You shouldn’t be out here alone.”

Rui emitted an undignified squeak at the unexpected voice, lost her poise and sank beneath the water with a sputter.

When she resurfaced, treading water to keep her head elevated, she stared at the warrior she most wanted to see. Who was ever in her thoughts, even when she wasn’t conscious of it.

And, now, here he was. Like a dream come true.

He stood at the edge of the bank with his arms folded across his massive chest, long legs braced slightly apart, her sword at his feet.

She swam a little closer, but kept only her head above the water.

“I am no longer alone,” she pointed out.

“You are here, my Wolfe.”

He narrowed his eyes slightly as if her words did not make him happy.

Well, that was his problem, not hers.

She saw him first. Finders keepers, losers weepers. Wasn’t that what human children liked to taunt?

So true. She found Wolfe first, and she was keeping him.

He was her treasure. She’d lay claim to him every chance she got. If she could tattoo the words “property of Rui” on his forehead, she would.

“It could have been anyone,” he growled in that deep, husky, gravelly voice that made her shiver every time she heard it.

“You are nak—you are without clothes and weapons, exposed,alonein a secluded place where no one would hear you scream. Are you mad to take such risks, woman?”