“Arthur’s birth itself was something of a legend,” Ere related. “Uther, with the wizard Merlin’s help—”

“There’s sorcery?”

“Are you surprised?”

Fair point. After everything Sorin and Ere had been through over the millennia, nothing should surprise them.

Of coursethere was sorcery.

“As I was saying, with Merlin’s help, Uther was said to have taken the form of one of his lords, in order to sleep with the man’s wife, whom he coveted.”

Sorin grunted.

“Just so,” Ere agreed, correctly interpreting the meaning behind Sorin’s utterance.

“Uther was a nefarious blighter who stole what wasn’t his. Not that it helps, but afterwards, he did marry the woman. Her husband died the same night, you see, killed by Uther’s troops.”

“That was the night Arthur was conceived, and he became King after Uther was killed by one of his other bastard children. Oh, the irony. Because Arthur was dealt a fatal blow by his ill-conceived bastard son as well. But there are many different interpretations.”

“What is yours?” Sorin asked, because it was the only one that mattered.

Ere rubbed up against him like a cat.

“Do you know how indescribably hot a man is when he focuses all of his attention on someone? Never mind that it’syoudoing the focusing andmegetting the attention. I just spouted the mightiest wood in the kingdom, basking in your attentiveness. Hell, I just spouted an entire redwood forest.”

Sorin slid his hand down to cup Ere’s groin, giving him a good, hard squeeze.


His Mate groaned so loudly he could probably be heard by the other travelers, though they were several yards behind them.

“Worse,” Ere whimpered. “I want you to make me come so bad…”

“Keep talking.”

“Wh-where was I?”


“Right. To complete the most prevalently accepted story, after Arthur was mortally wounded, he was taken to the mystical Isle of Avalon by the Lady of the Lake. Another sorceress, reportedly one of Merlin’s students. The same who gave Arthur his enchanted sword, Excalibur, with which he defeated all kinds of monsters and men.”

Sorin methodically massaged his lover’s swollen cock through the confines of his trousers, squeezing tight around the leaking crown, twisting his fist just the way Ere liked it.

“Ah gods…” his male whimpered, reaching back to wrap an arm around his neck, pulling his head down so that their lips brushed.

“I wish you were inside me,” Ere rasped, his voice completely razed by passion to smoky ash.

“I want to feel you so badly.”

Sorin pulled him higher up in his lap, so that the seam of Ere’s ass directly rode on top of his steely ridge. Even through their clothes, the head of his cock unerringly speared against the spot that made Ere writhe with abandon.

Sorin had to tighten his arm around the male just to prevent him from wriggling right off the horse.

“Talk,” he ordered, stroking Ere faster.

“Um…I-I think…”

“What do you think?”