“So…Ray of the Far East, who knows how to render a man unconscious with a few fingers to the back of his neck, lover of dragons and visitor of these isles…”

The elfin assassin stiffened in front of him as if bracing against the teasing remarks.

Such a prickly little thing.

“Do you intend to enter the tournament and compete for the prize?”

A brief silence.

And then, “That seems like the logical thing to do.”

“In that case, we may have to fight each other,” Wolfe murmured. “Do you think you can take me?”

Ray swiveled around to look into his face.

Wolfe found himself staring into the most incredible eyes he’d ever seen, something he’d only caught a brief glimpse of the night before.

The glance did not do Ray enough justice.

His eyes were a blue like the midnight sky, lit up with stars. Every vein of his irises gleamed with an internal light.

The rest of the man’s features could only be termed as…exquisite. This close, Wolfe could see that his skin was completely smooth and flawless, so translucent it glowed.

He was arrested by the visage. He couldn’t blink if his life depended on it. For the moments that they stared at each other, he even forgot to breathe.

“I can and will take you, Wolfe of Cair Ebrauc,” Ray said solemnly, as if he were laying down a vow.

“The question is: canyouhandleme?”