But the strangest were his eyes.

She could not tell their color as he sat in the shadow of the wooden-slatted awning. She onlyfelttheir blankness.

There was no life in them.

No soul.

If anyone thought it strange that this tournament of warriors was opened by the queen, not their warrior king, they didn’t make it known. As Rui glanced around, she saw that everyone, save her companions, Ere and Sorin, and also Wolfe, were completely mesmerized by the beautiful Guinevere.

It was only when a deafening cheer went up that Rui realized she was done speaking. She inclined her head regally and prettily to her subjects, and was just about to retake her seat when the woman Rui had overlooked on the other side of Arthur shot to her feet.

In direct contrast to the perfect queen and the expressionless king, this female could only be described aswild.

From her hip-length, tangled red hair, her ill-fitting gown, to her glittering round eyes and fisted hands. She looked like a whirlwind that was trying desperately to contain itself.

Or perhaps a whirlwind fighting to break free of restraints.

Without preamble or context, without permission or choice, she blurted in a shrill voice:

“A queen becomes Queen

A slave becomes Mate

A King falls in flames

A winner loses in games

A queen gives way

A Mate displaced

A Champion reborn

A King transformed.

A stone heart in fire

A soul dances higher

When True Love reveals

And old wounds heal.”

And then, just as abruptly, she slumped back into her seat, as if all of the energy had been sapped out of her.

Murmurs, whispers, and grumbles swept through the crowd.

Guinevere clapped her hands sharply to gain everyone’s attention once more, and like a schoolmaster with children, it worked.

Rui’s eyebrows rose in surprise, both impressed and alarmed.

What power did this human queen have over all of these people? Including the king?

“To the events, my good people. Let the games begin!”

The warriors strode briskly toward the tournament grounds, followed by the milling crowd.

Wolfe walked away without one single glance in her direction.