She rooted around in her mouth with her curling tongue and untucked the jewel from behind a back tooth, unfurling her tongue to show him.

“Good trick,” he murmured.

“This form has many uses,” she agreed.

“You will take it along with Merlin?”

“That seems to be the plan,” she replied.

He smiled wryly, a mere quirk of his lips.

“Fare thee well, Dragon Rui.”

Ere and Sorin gathered around Rui and the now freed Merlin upon his rock, though he remained still and unconscious, the ever-present scowl upon his haggard face. Morgan moved to stand with Tristan, Arthur and Lancelot.

Rui used all of her strength to drag the massive red dragon off the rock, toward the edge of the portal.

“Farewell, my Wolfe, my greatest treasure,” she returned, a large tear escaping her eye to roll down her scaly cheek, and plop into the water of the stream.

“I will love you always.”

And with that, the travelers stepped into the portal with Merlin in tow, disappearing into its dark, unfathomable depths.