“You are perfect, Rui. Exactly as you are.”

An uncontrollable, rumbling purr began to emanate from Rui’s body without her permission. Her eyes slitted with pleasure as she practically melted at Wolfe’s feet.

Slowly, bonelessly, she lowered her head before him, snuffling at his scent, wanting to nuzzle and be petted.

He seemed to know exactly what she wanted and reached out his good arm, extending his hand toward her snout.

Gently, he laid his hand on her, her nostrils flaring to capture his heavenly male musk, basking in his nearness. Also, involuntarily, her tongue darted out to lick his wrist and forearm, delighting in his delicious taste.

The rumbling purr grew sonorous, until the entire cavern seemed to shake with it.

Ere’s throat clearing drew their attention, but only distantly.

Rui was in dragon heaven.

She finally found the male of her dreams. Beyond her dreams, in fact. For she could never have imagined someone as perfect for her as Wolfe. She didn’t know such a male could exist. Even more extraordinarily, that he could be hers.

Ere cleared his throat louder, refusing to be ignored.

Rui slid one eye toward him while Wolfe turned to face him as well.

“I really hate to break up the love fest—it seems I’m doomed to be Debbie Downer this night—but our time here has run out.”

Rui abruptly raised her head, losing the comfort of Wolfe’s touch in the process.

“We must go now. The portal has opened. The sandglass is finished.”

Ere said this without any eagerness, his tone a drawn-out sigh, his eyes sad. He looked between Rui and Wolfe and shook his head.

“I’m sorry.”

Ere looked over to Merlin’s still unconscious form on the rock.

“We’re instructed to bring him. I don’t know whatShifuintends, but that one is coming with us.”

“I will unbind his shackles,” Morgan said, moving away to do just that, accepting these strange happenings with remarkable aplomb.

“Where are you going?” Tristan asked, still wearing a look that was somewhere between shock and bewilderment.

“To our own realm,” Ere answered, “in our own time. Far, far away from here.”

“Where is this portal of which you speak?” Wolfe finally found his voice to speak, though his words were rough like sandpaper.


Ere gestured to a small, still pool that diverged from the stream, near Merlin’s rock.

They all gathered around it, only then realizing that they couldn’t see the bottom. Unlike the other parts of the water-filled cavern, there were no jewels and precious metals lining a shallow basin. There was only the water, which was eerily still, reflective like a mirror.

“Was this here before?” Tristan asked.

“I imagine not,” Ere answered. “The portal only reveals itself when it’s time to go.”

The look he gave Rui and Wolfe said clearly:time to say goodbye.

As if the others agreed to do so in concert, they all moved away to give Rui and Wolfe space.

Tristan and Sorin went to check on the incapacitated Lancelot and Arthur, while Ere conferred with Morgan as she worked on the last of Merlin’s shackles.