“Speak, treasure dragon,” the Master allowed.

“I have never heard of such a jewel,” she said. “Why is it so important?”

“The Jade Emperor does not need to explain his reasons,” the Master intoned. “But suffice it to say that the Universal Balance requires the jewel.”

“What does it look like?” seemed to be the next logical question.

“You will know it when you see it,” came the unhelpful answer.

“How will I know?”

The Master pinned her with a strange look.

“How will you know when you fall in love?”

Rui arched a brow, not knowing how to respond to this complete non-sequitur.

“Hypothetically speaking, of course,” the Master added.

“You will only know love when you feel it. And only you can know, as the one who loves. Same with the jewel. You are our best treasure hunter. Trust your instincts.”

Rui inclined her head, accepting the mission set before her.

It was not her place to question the Master further. She knew that he had shared all he would.

A series of croaks emerged from Ere, as he gestured expressively to himself and Sorin.

The Master understood his question perfectly.

“You are here because of your debt,” the Master said succinctly. “And there will be times when your cunning and wit will come in handy. Just not in the present circumstances.”

More muttered croaks as Ere narrowed his eyes.

“Your Mate is here because neither you nor he will countenance being apart. And because your aid will be needed on this quest.”

“I do not require protectors, Master,” Rui couldn’t help the protest that leaped from her mouth out of turn.

“I work best alone.”

The ancient man with the unlined face turned toward her.

“You do not have the facts,” he said calmly. “I shall provide them now.”

Ere harrumphed what sounded even in frog-speak like, “About time.”

The Master ignored him as he addressed all three.

“You are going to a place called Britain, shortly after the end of Roman rule. This is where your coloring and stature,” he nodded toward Sorin and Ere, “will better blend in. Whereas your looks, treasure dragon, will hinder you without the help of others.”

Rui didn’t feel this was reason enough to travel with two lumbering males, but she wisely held her tongue.

“None of you will be allowed to transform into your animal forms,” the Master continued, “until the time when it is absolutely necessary. Nor will you maintain your immortality. You will be just as susceptible to weakness, wounds and illness as any human.”

Hmm, this made things more difficult, Rui thought.

But she was quite effective in her humanoid form, having mastered the blade and various martial arts since she was still a dragonling. She could more than handle herself.

And what was an adventure without risks and danger? The possibility of death only quickened her pulse and sharpened her senses.