Rui ran one hand through her hair in frustration, making the ends stand up in spikes.

“I don’t know exactly. I only know that my mission is to bring back the jewel. Why do you need it?”

“To find the dragon who ruined my mother and end him,” he said without hesitation, showing that he trusted her equally.

“It is his eye. It will lead me to him.”

Rui rejoiced in his faith in her, but winced inwardly at his determination to kill the dragon.

His own sire.

Did Wolfe know? Did he have any inkling?

“Wolfe…” she started, not certain how to continue.

How was she to broach the subject of his conception? What she saw of his past showed her that the dragon wasn’t evil like he thought.

That wasn’t to say that it was good, but it had its reasons. And the love she felt when she experienced the memories, the desperation and heartbreak…they were real.

The dragon deserved to be heard. Wolfe deserved to know the truth.

“I do not know if I can give the Eye to you even if you wait for me to complete my task,” he went on.

“I may need it to destroy the dragon once and for all. I also do not know what powers the Eye possesses, just that it has them. ’Tis why Guinevere wants it. She will do anything to prevent either of us from obtaining it. You are in grave danger as long as you are in the running.”

“So are you,” she argued, her hands going to her hips in exasperation.

“I can take care of myself. You don’t need to worry about me,” he retorted.

He crossed his arms over that massive chest, glaring back at her, equally exasperated, she could see.

“I will handle the conniving queen,” he grunted. “In any case, she needs me for the final battle. You, she does not need at all. The danger to you is much greater.”

“Why does she need you?” she asked.

“I am the only one who can defeat the final opponent.”


Did she miss something? Because Rui was quite certain Wolfe and she would be evenly matched. His brawn against her speed. It wasn’t a guarantee who would win one way or the other. If she had her Gifts, there would be no contest. But as a mere human, he might have a shot at defeating her.

He clenched his jaw as he debated what to say, as if he might keep something from her.

Finally, he revealed:

“The final battle includes a third opponent. A dragon. My sword and dagger are imbued with the magic to kill dragons. Only I have ever defeated them in these lands and others. I am a dragon-slayer, Rui.”

He speared her with those citrine eyes as she held her breath and asked—

“Are you?”

~ * ~* ~ *~ * ~* ~ *~ * ~

Rui’s face visibly blanched at his question, making Wolfe narrow his eyes.

She was keeping something from him. She wasn’t telling him the whole truth.

He wanted to rail at her for holding back even now, at the last hour. He’d told her everything. Given her everything of himself. Even his nightmares.