“Are you kidding? If anyone’s obsessed with anybody, she is with you. That woman will be the one who marries you and has your babies if she’s got to kill every female on the planet to make it happen.”

“Nonsense.” I promptly dismissed every fool word out of his mouth. “Sirena and I have known each other since we were in swaddling. You just can’t conceive of a man and woman being friends without that relationship eventually leading to sex. It’s one of your many failings as a man.”

It was my turn to take a boot to the head.

“Xander?”Knock. Knock.“Are you in there?”

Sirena pushed in without waiting for a reply. “There you are.” Running over, she popped a kiss on my cheek. “I was looking for you guys. A bunch of us are heading out to the river for a moonlit swim. You coming?”

“Can’t,” I said. “I’ve been on the road for weeks. Tonight, I’m finding a training room and getting in a proper workout.”

“Come on, Xander. Don’t be boring.” She squeezed my arm. “You’re really going to pass up skinny-dipping with me to play with a plastic sword in a stinky old training room?”

“Bet he would if Aella Galanis was there,” Ajax muttered.

Galen winked exaggeratedly. “Just to make sure she wasn’t up to something, of course.”


“Who?” Sirena demanded. “Who’s this Aella?”

“No one important.” I slipped out of her hold. “I’m getting some training in, but I’ll see if I can meet up with you guys after.”

I left, and was in search of a training room. That I would also search out Aella’s dorm room on the way was out of necessity. I had to know where she was at all times.

I would vouch for her power. I would get her off a murder charge for a corrupt soldier’s death. I would even save the silly clod from herself and refuse to grant her death wish.

But one thing I would not do for a traitor... is die for her.