Well, that sure had changed! Remembering the precision of his fingers sent everything down there into a complete flutter again.
“You’ve sure made up for lost time.” She planted a kiss on his shoulder, felt his arm tighten around her. “Weren’t you interested? In having a girlfriend?”
“Yes, of course I was, but I didn’t have a clue what to do. So, I hid behind being very academic, became a very competent Head Boy and tried to fool girls into thinking I was this cool unattainable guy. But really, underneath, I was just trying to stay afloat.”
“How do you mean?”
“After Mum died, Dad went into a very dark place. He’d only recently left merchant banking, which he’d made a truckload of money in but hated, and started his own financial advisory business. Mum helped him set it all up, did the marketing and accounts. So, he lost not only the woman he loved but his business partner. He couldn’t get out of bed, couldn’t see clients, so I… I made it my job to help him. I forced him to get up in the mornings, made him eat, followed the stock market, took over his book-keeping there for a while. I guess I became his right-hand man.”
“That was so mature of you.”
He snorted. “Yeah, an old man at sixteeen. Can’t say I recommend it. To top it off, Aaron went off the rails at the same time. It’s complicated, but I guess he did the opposite to me.”
“You were the good Blake boy, and he was the bad one.” Grief, Felicity knew, played out differently in everyone. She touched another light kiss to his shoulder. Felt his body quiver. Amazing what being stuck in a kombi van in the pouring rain could do to crack a guy open, make him spill… well, all kinds of things…
“You make it sound like the tale of the prodigal son,” he said. “Admittedly, Aaron could get away with anything before Mum died. With me she wasn’t strict exactly, but she didn’t let me off the hook.” He laughed, as though remembering. “She pretty much knew I needed more of a push to get out there.”
A pause. Just their breathing and the rain, his hand stroking her hair. “She sounds like a wonderful woman,” she said softly.
“Yeah.” His hand stilled for a moment. “She was. She had this quiet presence about her. Like she understood what we needed to reach our potential. I guess she was the glue that held us all together and when she died…” He sighed. “Life fell apart there for a while. God… I can’t believe we’re talking like this…”
She touched her finger to his lips. “We can stop if you want.” And when he sucked said finger into his mouth, her clitoris obligingly begged to get back into party mode.
They kissed some more. Oliver’s hand strayed to her breast, and he groaned. “God, I wish we had condoms.”
“We’ve managed to improvise so far.” Even so, her vulva gave a wistful little spasm at the thought of his beautiful cock moving inside her. “Where’s the nearest supermarket?”
“No idea. There’s not even a pub in Fowlers Bay.”
“How do people get by with birth control in the bush?”
He laughed. “Bulk buy, I guess.”
She nearly suggested that since they had three more days on the road, bulk buying was entirely appropriate, but she shouldn’t imply she was hoping for more or, in typical male fashion, he’d probably get all uptight and close down on her.
She made a valiant attempt to get back on topic.“So essentially, you saved your dad and Aaron from imploding by being the model son.”
“It wasn’t quite that simple. When Dad met Andrea things changed. She’s a great woman, as you know. But I did apply myself at school and that helped me stay sane. Doing everything right rather suits my, er, anal personality.”
“Tidy, not anal,” she corrected, rubbing his chest lightly with her fingertips.
“Aaron used to accuse me of having OCD.”
“Have you?”
He smirked down at her. “Seemingly not since I met you. I’m beginning to see some advantages to the stuffing method.”
“Oh, my, you can stuff my—”
“Shut that potty mouth!” And with that, Oliver kissed her again.
With a sigh, Felicity happily gave up talking.