“And opening a can of beans?”

“That too.So, could you perhaps give me some lessons?You know, start simple.None of that baba good nosh stuff yet from what’s his name.”


His face lit up.“I could become the famous chef, Otto-leggy.”

Judith slapped her forehead and rolled her eyes, then she came round, took the can from his hands and sat on his lap.“I meant it when I said I love your bad jokes.I’m also aware that love is blind.”She pushed back the hair from his forehead and revelled in the caramel swirls in his dark eyes.“Now, changing the subject, does this house have a spa bath?”

He looked at her, a wicked grin shaping his lips.“No, but it has a really spacious shower.There’s plenty of room for two.”

She kept a straight face “That sounds—workable.”And standing up, she took him by the hand.

“Lead the way, my gorgeous Otto.”

Okay, so making love in the shower seemed like a great idea until Carts had knocked his head twice on the shower head and accidentally covered them both in a deluge of ice cold water trying to adjust the temperature.And when things had started to warm up again—literallyandfiguratively—he’d lifted Judith up (for obvious reasons) and she’d caught her butt on the tap while trying to wind her legs around him, they’d given up, and now lay naked on the bed, gazing deeply into each other’s eyes.

It didn’t matter.

Experimentation was something to approach with a lot of shared laughter and plenty of mutual respect.

Carts cupped her breasts, bent his head and kissed each of her nipples in turn, focusing on the smaller breast first, because as he pointed out, it needed to not feel inferior in any way.Then one thing led to another and on this occasion at least, the bed accommodated their needs perfectly.

A considerable time later, when they’d both got their breath back, Carts asked, “Where did you learn that trick?”

“Which one?”Judith asked lazily.Sex with Carts always seemed to make her really sleepy.

“The, er, tongue circling around the end of my…”

“From a little book I bought recently.”

“I’m intrigued.Tell me more?”

She settled her head on his shoulder.“I found it at the Book Genie, it’s calledPleasure Your Partner,by this sexologist called Dr Daphne Rubekind.It has all kinds of advice for how to communicate your needs, and um—positions, and… techniques.”

“You’ll have to let me look at it.”

She giggled.“A bit of bedtime reading for both of us, maybe.To be honest, I’m not sure about all of her advice.I guess I’ve never really been into bondage, but she talks about it as a potentially playful, respectful kind of thing to tie your partner to the bedpost.”

“And I do have an awful lot of ties in my closet.”

She had an idea.“Maybe we could go through and make a list, cross off the ones that are definite nos then the maybes, and end up with the absolute must-dos.”

“I have a better idea.”He planted kisses along the line of her neck.“We could start with the must-dos, work our way to the maybes, and when we’re lost for something to do on a dull rainy afternoon ten years from now, we could even explore the definite nos.”

“I feel like I could spend the rest of my life with you focusing on the must-dos.”She sighed happily.

They lay together contemplating the possibilities, until Judith’s phone buzzed next to the bed.When she reached for it she smiled, and sat up against the headboard.“It’s Mum.Listen to this: ‘Talked to your sister.She didn’t get shouty.It’s a start.’”

Another message a moment later, Pippa this time.

“Talked to Mum.She apologised.I managed not to get shouty.It’s a start.”

Judith gave a rueful laugh.“They don’t think they’re alike.But they’re just opposite sides of the same coin.”

Carts was grinning at her.“Still feeling okay about not playing peacemaker?”

She tilted her chin.“Yes.I’ll send a thumbs up and they’ll be just fine without me.Besides, right now, I’ve got more pressing things to attend to.”The phone messages seemed to have suddenly woken her up, and Carts’ warm body next to hers was reminding her how many must-dos they had to work through.“Now, where were we…”

“I think we were about to try out the first of the must-dos.Dr Daphne Rubikscubes amazing strategy for simultaneous orgasms.”

“No expectations or anything…”

“But practice makes perfect, right?”

Judith dived on him, laughing.“Absolutely!”