They sat quietly for a few moments, Carts still stroking her ankle, and working out his strategy.In the end he figured the no-bullshit approach was best.

“So, what’s the story?About the flute?”

Avery’s chin rubbed from one kneecap to the other, her eyes accentuated by the kohl, huge and the same velvet brown as his own.“It’s a revenge tactic.”

“For what.”

“For mum not letting me go to Zammy’s party next week.”

“You’re not really serious about giving up your music?”

“I will if she doesn’t let me go.”

“Oh, Aves, this is silly.”

She glared.“Why?”

“It’s so short-sighted.Think about what you’ve achieved.How amazingly freakin’ talented you are.If I had a teaspoon of your talent, I’d—”

“You’d what, fart-face?”

Oh, she really had a knack right now, did Avery.He thinned his lips.All he’d ever shown was an aptitude for numbers.Which meant he’d followed the career counsellor’s advice and become an accountant.Not even thought to question it.Unimaginative.Dull.Predictable.And here was his shining star of a sister about to throw away her brilliance.Hit the ground like a meteorite.

“Never mind,” he said.“I’m past being able to make changes.But you, Aves, you have your whole life ahead of you.A career that could take you all over the world.A scholarship opportunity to study in Paris.”

“Don’t want to.”

“Why the fuck not?”

“Oooh, I’ll tell Mum.She’ll make you put money in the swear jar.”

“Why wouldn’t you want to go to Paris?”

“I can’t speak French.”

“You’ll learn.”

“They eat frogs.And snails.That’s weird.I’d barf if I tried to eat that stuff.”

“No-one will make you eat frogs or snails.Is that all?”

Silence, then barely audible, “They won’t like me.”

In a flash Carts’ arms were around her and her head rocked against his chest.A big hiccup of a sob tore at his heart.“They don’t like me here so why would they like me there?”

“Oh, Aves.”

“Only Zammy likes me.That’s why I have to go to her party.Everyone else hates me.”She tunnelled deeper into him, her words muffled.“You know what they call me at school?”She looked up briefly, tragic-eyed.“Budgie.”

He gave her a perplexed look and she added in an exasperated tone, “Av-er-y.Get it?Why did Mum and Dad have to call me that stupid name?”

A shot of pure rage hit Carts between the ribs.How dare the little shites say those things?“It’s a great name.”

“It’s not,” she buried back into his shirt.

“I used to get called Stick Insect.At least you’re one up the pecking order.Get it?Pecking order.”

Avery groaned loudly, “Your jokes are so bad.”The snuffle turned to a sniff then something that might be construed as a giggle.“And Mum and Dad’s taste in names is up their arse.”