If only she’d been able to persuade Polly to come shopping with her.

But Polly had been preoccupied since Carts’ birthday party, and quite grumpy.It was like she had a little black cloud over her head the whole time.In all the three years they’d worked together on Echidna Psychiatric ward, Judith had never seen Polly so out of sorts.She was normally so positive.Judith had a hunch it had something to do with the gorgeous psychiatrist, Solo Jakoby, who’d recently started working with them, but she couldn’t get Polly to own up to anything.

Judith firmed her lips and put the red dress back on the rack, deciding it would make her look washed out.And she absolutely refused to worry about Polly.

Her motto had always been: care about everyone else first, Judith Mellors second.

Not anymore.As of last Saturday, that had changed.She’d been kissed—kissed until her feet almost lifted off the ground with delight and little butterflies erupted everywhere.


Cheeks heating, she almost skipped into the change rooms, accompanied by the memory of two beautiful dark eyes gazing at her like she was the most dazzling woman in the world.

She’d never felt so attractive in her life.Truth was, her ex, Mark, had never made her feel like a real woman.When they’d got together they were still kids really, so thefeel like a womandescription didn’t really apply, because she hadn’t been a woman then, had she?A tall, gangly, spotty teenager more like.

And when their clumsy fumbles hadn’t eventuated into a fully satisfactory love life, well, she only had to look around at other girls’ dating woes and their heartbreaks and she thanked her stars she had dependable old Mark.

Until, as of four weeks ago, she hadn’t.

Quickly she tugged off her work blouse and skirt and shimmied into the first dress.Smoothed it down her legs, swivelled this way, then that, and flicked her long blonde hair out around her shoulders.

Pouted at her reflection.

Then slapped a hand over her mouth.Her eyes creased mischievously over the top of her fingers.

Really, she wasn’t prone to pouting, but it felt kind of fun.Out of character, but fun.

Because since Carts’ kiss she’d felt different.Like suddenly she was visible.In the romantic sense—even—deep breath in, thesexualsense.She’d always felt visible as the good girl, the girl who studied to be an occupational therapist and put her family and boyfriend first.She thought of all the times she’d taken Mark’s dinner to him while he was gaming on his computer.Bought his favourite chocolate to bribe him into sitting with her on a Saturday night to watch a Netflix show.Not to mention the hours spent working in her craft room on some intricate project, pretending that this was how it should be.Comfortable.Like a pair of old slippers when really, like Polly, she should be out dancing in a pair of Jimmy Choos.

Now, on to the next dress…

Fifteen minutes later she was at the counter with three dresses over her arm, because she was darned well going to spend her holiday funds on clothes if she felt like it!

Her planned holiday with Mark had fizzled when he announced he was leaving her.She’d saved six thousand dollars towards air fares and accommodation.In the name of fairness, she’d handed half of that to Mark, but there was still three thousand dollars in her savings account, doing nothing except gaining a dribble of interest.

She placed the dresses on the counter and drew out her purse, handed over her debit card to the girl with barely a qualm.She’d always been cautious, but now, to hell with that.She was going to splurge on clothes and… who knew what next?A new sofa maybe, just so she didn’t have to remember Mark sitting there munching through Cadbury’s fruit and nut, shoulders stooped and chin jutting as he stared at the TV.

“It didn’t go through.”The store assistant’s voice cut through her musings.Judith blinked.The woman was holding the card up like it was a court summons.

“Oh—no, there must be some mistake.”

“I’ll try it again, could be our system.”Judith watched the woman’s red shellacked nails as she tapped at the keypad, waved the card over the screen.Beep.Declined.

This could not be happening.

“Maybe your card’s damaged.”The woman had a condescending look in her eyes.Judith sensed herself blushing and mustered, “Could you try one more time?There’s plenty of funds in that account.”

The assistant’s lip curled.“Sure.”

Judith waited, her fingers drilling a nervous tattoo on the service desk.


“Would you like to use another payment method?”The woman handed Judith the card.

Blushing furiously now, Judith flicked through the cards in her purse.She didn’t like using her credit card too often, though she always paid it off each month to avoid accruing fees.Mark never had a clue about finances and always overspent, and each time, they’d had to do a major reckoning and eat sausages and mash for a week until their next pay came through.

She handed over her credit card and sighed with relief when it all went through fine.

As she left the shop, a little frown knotted her forehead.

There were three thousand dollars sitting in her savings account.

She knew her PIN off by heart.

So why hadn’t the payment gone through?