“Well, that’s not an issue, is it?”Mum said crisply.“At this rate she won’t be going anywhere.”

A black cloud hovered over Avery’s head, but she thankfully kept schtumm and the rest of the evening passed without further mishap.

Taking a slug of strong coffee, Carts realised his stomach was churning with the worry of it all.Or was that the caffeine?It occurred to him that he needed to do something about his stress levels.

Inspiration hit.A mid-week yoga session would be just the ticket.

Usually, he went on Fridays and also attended a class over the weekend.But with taking Judith to dinner his pattern had been messed up.

Back at his desk, he pulled up the yoga timetable on Google.

His eyes widened.Special session Wednesday 6.30–8 pm.

Introduction to Tantra with Fern Bliss.

Tantra?Wasn’t that how Sting used to sustain sex for hours?

This could be the answer to his prayers.

Eagerly, he read through the description.

By opening to both our sensual and spiritual being through breathing and awareness of the five senses, we can fulfil our own and our partner’s needs more fully.Come and learn the elements of Tantra and how to work with the Chakras to fulfil your sensual and sexual potential.

With Fern Bliss.

He loved Fern’s classes.She had a voice that inspired trust and a deep state of subliminal relaxation.

He floated out of her Friday sessions and afterwards, because he was relaxed, he’d been so much better at chatting with Judith than when they were facing each other over a fancy-schmantzy dinner.And the timing was perfect.He’d be able to go home, change and get there no problem, providing he worked his ring off for the rest of the day.

When he arrived at yoga, a few people were gathered on their mats.He scanned the room, because for a moment he worried that Judith might be here too.But she probably didn’t need Tantra, did she?Judith clearly knew what she was doing in that department.Christ, that lucky ex of hers—what was wrong with him?Judith had not said much about the split; he guessed they’d grown apart.He knew this guy’s loss was his gain, but how the fuck could you ever get tired of kissing Judith?

He was rolling out his mat when Fern glided towards him.“Namaste, Carter,” she said with a beatific smile, palms joined in a prayer gesture.“How lovely to see you here.”

Carts bowed his head and placed his palms together.

“Namaste Fern.Do I need anything specific for the session?”

“Just the usual props and an open attitude.”She studied him.“I think you’ll get a lot out of this session, Carter.”Her clear blue eyes bathed him in empathy.Fern might be younger than him in years, but she was an old soul.She saw through the masks you hid behind, to the very core of your being.Hopefully, she didn’t seeabsolutelyeverything, he thought as he sat down and crossed his legs in his somewhat bastardised version of the lotus position.

Finally, the candles lit, the scent of incense wafting through the room, Fern sank down on her mat at the front of the room.Her gaze scanned the assembled participants.“Let’s OM to get started, shall we?”

Carts closed his eyes, put his palms together and lengthened his spine, imagining a thousand petalled lotus flower rising from the crown of his head.

The resonance of three chanted OMs filled the room.

He let the sound move through him, all his awareness focused on being present in this moment.Slowly he opened his eyes and took in his fellow yogis, all eager and ready to learn.

He felt centred.Peaceful.

“Welcome everyone to tonight’s special session.”Fern’s voice resonated through the room.“Are you ready to explore the magic of Tantra?”

Judith was clearingup the occupational therapy department before leaving work when her phone rang.She put a patient’s damp papier-mâché pig carefully to one side before locating her phone in her pocket.

“Hi, babe.”Pippa’s voice bounced down the line.“How’s things?”

“Things are…” she forced enthusiasm into her voice, “okay.”

“Okay sounds very beige.Are you up for a quick drink?”