“Okay, c’mon then.Let’s face the music,” he said.

“That’s not actually funny right now.”

As it happened, therewasmusic playing as they went up the drive.Avery’s face lit up.“Mozart’s Concerto for Flute and Harp, second movement.”She stopped, head tilted, listening.“Wait, the flute joins the harp… now.”She beamed at him as, sure enough, the dulcet duet of harp and flute floated down the garden path from the house.

“It’s my very favourite piece to play,” she said.

He put his arm around her and she rested her head against his shoulder as they continued walking.

“I’ve neglected my music so much.And my friends at orchestra.I’ve been so mean to Bec, the lead violinist.I feel so bad.”

“Don’t.”He stroked her hair off her forehead.“It’s a valuable life lesson in what really matters.And better to learn it now, huh?”

“Mmm, guess so.”She snuggled into him and he saw the goosebumps stand out on her arm under the porch light.

When Mum threw the door open her jaw dropped as she surveyed Avery in her little morsel of silver.

“Good lord Avery, you didn’t wear that did you?”

“Shhhhh.”Carts put his finger to his lips and escorted his sister inside.“She’s had a rough time.”

“Well, I’m not surpri—”

He shook his head and a little hiccup came from Avery.

“Not now Mum,” he said.“Just be kind.”

His mum’s face crumpled as she looked from him to her daughter.Avery stood with her hands dangling and her head low.And then he knew Mum got it; without the need for words, she knew exactly what to do.“Oh, darling…” Her voice cracked with emotion as she held her arms wide.

With a sob, Avery walked straight into them.

“Areyou sure there’s no brownies in here?”

Judith dug her nails into her palm as Mark strolled over to the pantry and opened it.

“I haven’t felt the need to make any recently.”Mark either didn’t notice the bitter edge to her voice or chose to ignore it.If this fiasco went on much longer, she’d have to push him physically out the front door.“Could you go now, please?”she said for what felt like the hundredth time.

His eyes rounded.“Why so snarky?Are you about to get your period?”

It took everything she had not to fly at his throat.But if she escalated this, he’d stay longer just to play smartarse, to try and wear her down.“I’m really tired, that’s all.”

She watched with distaste as he foraged in the cupboard, a sliver of flabby flesh showing around the waist of his jeans as he reached up, found the biscuit jar, took off the lid and peered inside.“Shortbreads.Better than nothing.”He put the jar on the bench, removed one and munched.“I’ll tell you what, I’ll email you our business plan.Under peril of death, do NOT show it to anyone.You’ll change your mind when you see what we’ve put together.It’s going to be huge.You’ll get your six grand back ten times over.It’s called MegaV, Wars Within the Multiverse.”He rattled off some more jargon and now the clock above his head said 10.46 and she just had to get him out of here.

“Okay,” she said, jumping off her stool.“Email me whatever, I don’t care.Now it really is time to go.”She went over and gave him a little shove in the back.

He resisted.“What’s the hurry?Not your best effort, by the way.”He waved the shortbread in the air.“Anyway, gotta have a slash.I drank too much to celebrate with the guys.”

She felt like a sheepdog as she herded him out of the room and called out as he closed the bathroom door, “Put the seat down when you’re finished.”

Leaning against the wall, she waited, chewing anxiously on her thumbnail as the sound of Mark peeing went on and on.How much had he drunk?No normal bladder could hold that much, surely?

And then it happened.

The doorbell buzzed.

A swarm of bees hijacked Judith’s stomach.For long, agonising seconds she hovered on the spot.Another buzz, longer this time.

Her mind raced to find a solution.If she could get Carts into her craft room before Mark exited the toilet, she’d have time for a brief explanation, enough at least to make it clear she didn’t want Mark to be here.She skidded down the corridor and flung open the door, her mouth tipping into a manic smile.