“I’d like to hear what Doc Solo has to say.”
“Yes, me too.”
“I’m sick of trying to do that relaxation exercise Ben gave us, I need some other ideas.”
Polly sat back and folded her arms, then quickly unfolded them and ran her palms down her thighs. Solo wished she wouldn’t do that just now.
“Right,” she said. Her fingertips tapped her knees. “It seems, Dr Solo, that you have the green light.”
Solo cast her a glance and registered the challenge in her eyes. Clearly he’d taken the group somewhere Polly didn’t want it to go. But then he looked at the other six faces turned in his direction, full of hope that maybe there were some answers out there that didn’t involve sitting and talking. And heck, medication for PTSD was something he knew a fair bit about, wasn’t it?
He stood and went to the whiteboard. These guys clearly wanted his knowledge, and this time, he wasn’t going to let Polly Fletcher put him off his stride.