“Are you therapising me?”
Polly laughed. Maybe Jude was right, maybe she would look up sex therapy post-graduate training when she got home tonight. “Dare you to ’fess up.”
Judith’s blush intensified as she stared into her glass. “Once a month, on average.”
“Who initiates?”
“Oh, c’mon, I’m not going into the finer details.” Judith’s eyes rolled. “You’ve squeezed enough out of me already.”
Polly smirked. “Soyoudo, right?”
Judith’s shoulders bunched into a sort of shrug. “Maybe.”
Judith had begun to fiddle with the ends of her hair, which Polly guessed was her cue to back off a bit. Two glasses of prosecco on a very empty stomach set off her tendency towards increased candour—okay,bluntness. And, sure, she was pushy in a playful way, but she never meant itunkindly. To give Judith time to regroup, she swung to face the bar and beckoned to Paddy, the Shamrock’s beefy, adorable barman, who came sauntering over.
“Poll. What can I do for you?” He cracked his knuckles and flexed inked biceps as if in anticipation.
“Don’t flirt, I know you’re taken.”
“Sad but true.” Paddy pulled a face that said happy but true. Paddy was the picture of devotion. All brawn and ink and shaved head, still madly in love with the woman who’d tempted him to leave his beloved Ireland for Australia fifteen years earlier.
“What brings you here so early in the week, Poll?”
Polly raised her chin proudly. “I’m celebrating—just heard I’m going to be an auntie.”
“Congratulations.” Paddy’s grin cut a swathe across his face. “You want some practice changing nappies? I’ve got three you can skill up on.”
Paddy had six kids at last count. His wife Shereen had squeezed out twin girls eleven months ago, barely a year after little Adam appeared on the scene.
“Think I’ll pass on that,” Polly replied swiftly. “I’m going to be a hands-off auntie in the poop department. Strictly cuddles only.”
“Some of us aren’t built for dealing with the icky bits. Ask Judith, she’ll do it, she loves everything about babies. She secretly sniffs baby’s heads when no-one’s looking.”
“I do not!” Judith squealed indignantly.
Paddy’s grin swung to Judith. “I’m with you on that; I’m thinking of bottling my ‘Baby Head Blend’. Reckon it’d make a me a fortune.”
Judith managed a weak laugh.
“Jude and I work together. Apart from baby-head sniffing, she’s our team occupational therapist at the hospital.”
Paddy’s face lit up. “Craft? Even better. If you want a career change, we could do with a nanny.”
Judith’s mouth turned down. “Why is it as soon as someone mentions I’m an OT people just think of basket weaving and stuffing toy rabbits?”
Paddy’s eyebrows waggled. “Sounds fun.”
“Fun? Can we join in?”
Polly wasn’t expecting the addition of another voice. She knew that rumbly tone—Carts.
Her foot slipped from the stool rung as she swivelled, tipping her headlong into a very firm, hard wall of muscle. DefinitelynotCarts. A waft of clean male, and something subtler andintimatelyfamiliar hit her nostrils. At the same time her fingers splayed against firm pecs, and a hand steadied her shoulder. Something about that touch sent a shiver along her spine. Her eyes flew up, and ohfuck, here she was again, just about drowning in a pair of sinful silver eyes.
Abruptly, she righted herself as Solo drew his hand away. Cheeks flaming, Polly turned quickly to the familiar giant next to him.