“Took hours at the hairdressers.”
“Nooo! Why would I? Hate the damn things. Forgot to bring my straightener.”
“You wouldn’t want to get rid of them, they’re classic.”
“I don’t very often; it depends on my mood.”
“Tonight’s was bouncy, huh?”
He leaned in, about to kiss her gently on the lips, then thought better of it. Just because they’d had great sex, he didn’t need to get sentimental. This was neither the time nor place. Something inside him gripped hard and twisted, threatening to jam the air out of his lungs.
He sank back against the pillows, letting go of the curl, which promptly sprang back into shape.
“Hey, don’t go all weird on me.” She sounded slightly irritated. Obviously she’d read the sudden shift in his mood. “I get enough of that in my work. Don’t need it spoiling my play time.”
Solo sucked in a breath.Play time—of course. This girl was out for a good time, that was all. Perhaps his first surmising was right. She was on the rebound.
He cleared his throat. “How do you know the groom?”
Her chin retracted slightly as if surprised. “What made you ask that?”
“No reason.”
“You sure have odd no reasons.”
“Is he your ex?”Solo, crap, mate, you sound like a jealous lover. Shut the frig up.
“That’s not for you to know, Mr Motorbike Man.”
Solo shifted his gaze. He deserved that.
“Anyway, what’s it to you if he was?”
“Nothing.” He shrugged lightly. He really didn’t like that this woman had just taken him to heaven, only to knock him right off the nice little cloud he’d been floating on.
She was a one-night adventure. He needed to get that clear in his head.
He sat up abruptly and looked around for his clothes.
She sat up too, folding her arms around bent knees, and even in the semi-dark he caught sight of her lovely breasts squashing against her thighs. Something stirred and pleaded;one more for the road.
“You’re leaving, then?” Her voice was matter-of-fact but there was ice behind the words. Did she think this was the sum of him? That this was how he behaved with women? When there hadn’t been a woman within coo-ee of his cock for nine months. In all honesty, he owed her the biggest bow for bringing his libido back to life with a bang. Literally.
He found his boxers and jeans in a crumpled heap by the bed. Shoved them on, stood, hitched them up and belted his jeans on the tightest hole he could.
“That was amazing. You were amazing,” he said.
“And there’s a but in there, right?”
“But… I have an early start. I’ve got to be in Perth first thing.”
“It’s Sunday tomorrow,” Polly pointed out. He guessed this was her social worker voice. Very calm, very smooth.
“Yeah, it’s the only day the boss could see me to show me the ropes and do the paperwork. I startbam, first light Monday on-site.”
Polly bounced to the other side of the bed and snapped on the bedside light. He winced at the onslaught on his retinas and then blinked at the glory of her all lit up. Those breasts had felt amazing, but they looked even more amazing… large dark areolae on perfect creamy orbs, the rounded undulation of her belly, the tiny little Brazilian thing of dark hair between her legs, and—his gaze snagged on a little serpent tattoo on her inner thigh. Oh god, he was salivating… and then she tugged the sheet up to her chin and narrowed her eyes.