“Would it matter?”
Polly looked around for her little black dress on the ground. “I don’t know. Yeah, probably.”
“I like to keep my dates right away from my life.”
His eyes rested on her, luminous and steady. “Why?”
“Just because.” She glanced at him as she grabbed her dress. “Avoids complications.” She pulled the dress over her head and zipped it up.
He was sitting up, clasping his knees, the sheet lightly covering his groin, and she couldn’t help her eyes darting to the defined six-pack, the little v of dark hair.
Polly gulped and floundered around for her shoes.
Suddenly he was up and padding towards her and the tightness in her throat nearly strangled her.
She didn’t move—couldn’t—her heart pounding as his animal scent and the warmth of his body enveloped her. Something about the ease he displayed in his nakedness and the fact that she was now fully dressed was screamingly erotic.
It was hard not to turn around and beg him to unzip her.
A muscle worked in Solo’s jaw and when he stroked his thumb along her jawline, she heard her own breath rasping hot at the back of her throat.
“Sorry if I’m a complication in your life,” he murmured, and as if there was an invisible thread between them, she raised her face to his and felt his lips brush hers. “But, for the record,” he whispered against her mouth, “complicating your life was worth every amazing second.”
How she longed to jump right back into that bed and forget anything else existed but her and him. Just for one night. Except in the morning, she’d still have to navigate past Carts.
She gave a tight little smirk as she pulled away. “Just remember, I was never here, okay?”
And then, grabbing her bag with her car keys and shoes, she exited the room without another glance.