“Better for my health, too.”
She cocked an eyebrow. “Meaning?”
“Meaning it might have saved me smoking a full month’s ration of ciggies.”
“Wow! I affect you that much!” It was a tease, but a little glimmer of something else shone out of her eyes. Hope flared in his chest but he forced his face into casual lines. “Friends always come first,” she finished, breaking eye contact.
Doof. That put him in his place. “Is she okay?”
“As okay as you’d expect. She’s a trooper. She was going to stay at my place overnight, but then decided to go to her mum and dad’s. So I, um—made the split decision to pop over and see”—she turned on her side again, supporting her head under her cupped hand, and looked up at him out of lazy emerald eyes—“whether you were still interested…” Her finger traced a line down his shoulder, over his bicep and along his forearm.
“And found I was,” he croaked.
Not smiling, she placed his hand back on her breast and let out a husky little sound as he took the invitation seriously and squeezed her nipple between finger and thumb.
“Jes-us,” he groaned. “Why did you only bring one condom?”
“An oversight.” She sat up now, looking like a kid in a candy store, starting to skim kisses across his chest, over his stomach, down the line of fine hairs that thickened towards his groin. He had no say over what was happening below his waist and she knew it. Warm fingers closed around his suddenly throbbing length.
She grinned, like she’d landed the best lollipop in the whole wide world. “But we have other ways and means…”
With another groan, Solo threw himself back on the bed and let her have her wicked, wicked way.
* * *
Polly woke with a start.
Solo’s arm was heavy across her waist. After another very satisfying and creative bout of sex, they’d both fallen into a deep slumber.
But now her bladder was full to bursting point.
She shifted Solo’s arm and he grunted. “Whatsh up, babe?”
Babe. The way he said it made her go mushy inside for a second, before the nerve endings in her bladder made her shoot out of bed.
“I need a pee,” she hissed. “Do you think Carts is home?”
“Dunno. Does it matter?” He rolled over, and even in her state of desperation she could appreciate the play of his pecs and biceps, his long legs, and the hand flung across his eyes. She cast an eye around for something to cover her nakedness, spied his T-shirt on the floor and flung it over her head.
She tiptoed to the door and opened it a crack. The house was dark. Good sign. Nobody home.
Solo’s sleepy voice came from the bed. “Missing you already.”
Something in her chest tugged at the sweetness of that comment, but she shooed it away as she made her way into the bathroom.
Sitting on the toilet, she tried to think this through. Logically. Which was hard when even now the pull of that gorgeous bod in the narrow little bed was like the gravitational force of an entire planetary system.
How could it have been this good? Feel this intimate? Truth was, despite her once-love of Tinder, she’d passed on the casual sex thing recently. Which was probably why when Jake ditched her—gently, but firmly—because he’d fallen in love with Lou, it had hurt more than she’d imagined.
Not because she was in love with Jake—God no, never that—but it had been warm and safe andnice.
But, here, even more significant than having her mind blown by the most amazing sex, she had the sense she was in a circle of safety. With a guy she didn’t even know.
Like theyfit together.
Which, frankly, was enough to scare the crapola out of her.
It had been okay with Jake because it had started with clear rules, years ago. And despite enjoying his big-bear warmth and his ability to know which buttons to press to satisfy her, there had never been that extra zing.