As if she sensed his body tighten, Polly cast a glance up. One eye peeped out from behind a waterfall of curls.

“You okay?”

“Never better.”

“Are you the kind of guy who smokes after sex?”

He mockingly cast a glance down at his cock and it dared to stir with renewed interest. “Not that I’ve noticed.”

Polly gave him a playful slap on the arm. “Dag.”

She was stroking her hands across his chest in slow sweeps. “So, where did you learn to pleasure a girl so perfectly?”

A bubble of pride swelled his chest. “Don’t all guys?”

She gave a startled burst of laughter. “Are you kidding me? No, they do not.”

“And you’re an expert, right?”

“I might have slept with a few men, yes.” Her lip curled. “So what?”

“So, nothing. I’m not judging.” Not judging, no, but he could feel the shadow of jealousy lurking somewhere inside him. The sharp jab in his solar plexus was not welcome. He didn’t need to risk any more wounds right now.

“That’s good.” She pushed away from him, and it felt like someone had opened a door next to his heart and let in a draft of cold air. “Because I have no time for all that double-standard bullshit you men think you can pull.”

“‘You men?’ What makes you think you can shove me into the sexist jerk basket?”

“I didn’t.”

“You got close.”

She stuck out the tip of a pink tongue. “Tetchy.”

“Yeah, dead right. I’m not judging you, so don’t pull that on me.” His tone was sharper than he’d meant, and for a split second she looked confused and suddenly child-like. He longed to ask more questions, to connect, dig deeper, but right now he sensed he should tread carefully.

Placating, he murmured, “So what made you change your mind?” Stroking her neck, he was pleased she didn’t pull away; she was more inclined, it seemed, to nudge against him like a kitten about to purr.

“Mmm?” she queried, eyes darkening as his fingers moved to the swell of her breast.

He phrased it differently. “Why’d you decide not to stand me up?”

She was watching his fingers, and so was he, the way her nipple peaked as he lightly pinched it. “I—” She lay back against the pillows and frowned; that was his cue to stop. Probably a good thing, since they’d used up the one and only condom.

“Keep it quiet, but Judith’s long-term partner has just called it off.”

Relief flooded him, and then he felt bad that his gain was Judith’s loss. “So that’s why you pulled the pin earlier?”

She nodded, playing with one of her longer curls, pulling it out, staring at it so her eyes nearly crossed, then letting it ping back into a tight coil. Solo swallowed a smile. He’d bet she’d done that since she was a kid.

“Yes, she turned up just as I was about to leave. She was a complete mess, poor darling. She’s well rid of him—he’s about as inspiring as a wet dishcloth—but she doesn’t see it that way, obviously.”

“Poor Judith.” He knew what unquestioning devotion felt like when it got slammed into a brick wall without notice.

“I couldn’t really explain in a text.”

“A bit more info might have helped.”

“Yeah, sorry about that.”