Chapter 14
Was that really her?
At some level she knew those little mewls and gasps were coming out of her mouth, but with the mind-blowing tactics of Solo’s tongue, she really was too… preoccupied to—ahhhhhh…
He’d just hit the sweet spot so perfectly that a string of fairy lights lit up behind her eyes. And when two warm hands sneaked up, cupping her breasts, his thumbs skimming over her taut nipples in perfect sync with his tongue and… oh, boy, this was her complete and utter denouement.
Polly’s hips bucked wildly, at which Solo let out a low, sexy chuckle.
Maybe it was the total appreciation in that laugh, as if she was the most delicious thing he’d ever tasted, maybe it was the firm sweep of his tongue… backwards, forwards, deeper, firmer, combined with the blissful tweaking of her nipples, and… suddenly… everything was climbing fast and furious, coiling tighter and tighter into one bright, bunching seismic almighty…
“Ohmygodohmygodoh myyyyyyy—GOD!”
Polly’s body was no longer hers to own, limbs jerking, back arching, complete nonsense flying out of her mouth and her fingers riveted to Solo’s head as she clung on for the ride of her life.
A ride that kept on giving… and giving…
Who knew how long afterwards? Maybe minutes… maybe hours… she found herself lying limp and utterly sated on the rucked-up sheets of Solo’s single bed.
Eyes wide, all she could do was stare into the darkness and gulp in great mouthfuls of air, like a fish dumped on the shore.
Finally, fingers stroking Solo’s spiky soft hair, she managed an off-key, “That was intense.”
As he grinned up at her, it struck Polly that he had the look of a hunter who’d emerged victorious with his prey.
Okay, okay, she’d concede.
He’d won. Hands—or rather, mouth—down.
After a long, long moment to regain her breath, she decided to do a little exploration with her foot between their bodies. Yep. There it was. A magnificent erection. Polly let her toes do a spidey massage up and down the length of him, which elicited a deep growl and a sudden catapulting of his body up the length of hers. He leaned on his elbows, looking down at her, and she held her breath at the sheer animal beauty of him. The silver of his eyes, slits of brilliant passion, his lips full and juicy from the wickedness they’d been up to, and his short hair standing up in little spikes around his head.
Oh god, he’d make a wonderful werewolf.
She kissed his mouth and it tasted musky and sweet as a drop of moisture fell on her thigh from his cock. As her fingers closed around the thickness of him, he pulled back.
“I don’t have a condom.” His look was so alarmed she had to laugh. She waved the hand that wasn’t occupied at the floor.
“Over there.”
“I slipped one in my bra before I left home. It’ll be on the floor somewhere.”
Solo shot up so fast, and with such determination, Polly kept laughing. She watched him as he searched the floor. Slim, taut, beautifully put together, with the agility of an elite athlete.
“Do you run?” she asked.
“You look like a marathon runner.”
‘Got it.” He dived to pick up the little foil package and landed back on the bed. “The only running I’ve done lately is chasing after you.”
For some reason she felt insanely pleased by this.
When he loomed over her, his lips pursed, and a wicked glint in his eyes, she suddenly realised what he was up to. Oh god, he was going for her nose. With a squeal, Polly clapped a hand over her face. “Don’t kiss my nose.”
“Why not?”