Polly’s heart did a little rap, the kind with really inappropriate lyrics. “Maybe.” And with that she almost scampered after Judith.

“He isgorgeous. Who is he?” Judith said as they headed into the reception.

“Some random.”

“Oh, really? You seemed to be having a very cosy chat. I wondered if he might be your new love interest.”

“You know I don’t do love, Jude.”

Spotting a waiter nearby, Polly made a dive for his tray of drinks.

“You may not.” Judith grinned, following her. “But there’s a battlefield of Polly Fletcher slain hearts out there.”

“And here’s to the one that got away,” Polly said, raising her glass as Lou and Jake’s hands joined over the knife to slice the cake.

“You didn’t want Jake that way,” Judith hissed in her ear over the cheers. “And you know it.”

Polly sculled her champagne. True enough, she supposed. All she’d ever asked of Jake was a warm, cuddly friendship with some pretty good benefits tagged on the end. But… it was just, well… where was she going to get regular sex with no strings attached, now that Jake was off in married-la-la land?

A pair of beautiful silver eyes danced into her head, along with a sensual mouth that she’d bet was capable of getting up to all sorts of wickedness.

Polly placed her glass back on a passing tray and smiled sweetly at the waiter as she grabbed another.

How, she wondered, did you find out the room number of another guest without looking like some sex-starved stalker?