“Carts, what are you doing here?” she heard herself say, a good few notes higher than her normal speaking voice. And what’s he doing with you?a voice screamed at a thousand decibels inside her brain.
“I just about live here,” Carts said with a grin. “You should know that.”
“It’s Monday.” Which was kind of illogical, because she and Judith were here, weren’t they?
“So? Mondays are good; nice and quiet, and you get served quicker, eh, Pad?” Carts grinned, then his hound-dog eyes slid onto Judith and widened. “Hello there, I’m Carts.”
Judith turned a faint shade of pink. “Hi, I’m Judith, I work with Polly.”
Polly couldn’t help but see the way Carts’ eyes lingered. Even in her heightened state of arousal—no, wrong word choice—abject horror, she managed to file that little piece of information away.
“This is my new housemate,” Carts continued, half turning towards Solo while still ogling Judith. “Solo Jakoby.”
Polly kept staring hard at Carts, who was staring harder at Judith, who was almost bouncing on her seat with glee staring at Solo. “Hello again,” Judith said, eyes popping. “Wow, these coincidences just keep cropping up, don’t they?” She turned to Carts. “Solo has just started working with us at the hospital as our new psychiatrist.”
“Really? Classic.” Carts looked at Judith like she had just spouted a pearl of ancient wisdom.
Polly cringed. Any second she’d have to acknowledge Solo…Okay, large sinkhole. Open. Swallow. Now, please…
Her heart bounced painfully against her ribs as she snuck a glance and caught Solo’s mouth twisting in that laconic sideways smile that she would totally wallow in if there was no history to it.
“Seems we’re doomed to keep meeting,” he observed drily.
“Yeah,Groundhog Day.” Inwardly she cringed. He’d think she was a permanent bitch at this rate.
He didn’t blink. “Or50 First Dates.”
“Oh, I love that movie sooo much,” Judith threw in.
“That’s the one where she loses her memory, right?” Carts’ eyes beamed in on Judith’s glowing face.
Carts, you are so blatantly trying to impress, one part of Polly’s brain thought abstractly as a more primitive part tried to deal with the steady thrum in her vulva. This was utterly crazy. It had to stop, but the more she tried to control it, the more her body seemed to want to hurl itself at Solo’s chest, sneak her fingers around his neck, sucker her mouth shamelessly onto his. And he was wearing another black T-shirt, just like the one she’d wriggled up his torso and ripped over his head only two—two—crazy nights ago.
If only it was50 First Datesand she could forget and start all over again.
And keep on doing it.
She flailed an arm behind her to grab her glass, missed and knocked it over, sending bubbly liquid gushing down the front of her jeans.
Oh, flying fucks. Paddy threw over a bar towel. Solo caught it and handed it to her, straight-faced, but she knew that delectable cheek crease was hovering.
“Pleasure.” Somehow that one word zapped down the length of her spine and sent heat spinning into her abdomen.
Pushing back the blush that was about to joyride into her cheeks, she busied herself dabbing at her crotch. Carts ordered a couple of pints of draft beer and offered a drink to Judith, who primly refused, and another to Polly, who refused then changed her mind and asked for a gin and tonic, all the time painfully aware of every movement Solo made.
They sat and drank, both Solo and Polly remaining doggedly silent while Judith and Carts exchanged detailed rundowns of their favourite movies. Have you seen that new black comedy series on Netflix? What’s it called… yeah, that one… You haven’t seen it yet? God, you absolutely must watch it, you’d love it, can’t remember the name but it’s the one where she runs over the other woman’s husband and… blah-de-blah-de-blah.
Polly glowered at their animated faces. Carts and Judith were obviously picking up on energy beaming out from some great big data cloud of attraction in a virtual sky. Meanwhile, back on Planet Embarrassment she and Solo were behaving like dark matter, both repelling and sucking each other closer at the same time.
Finally Judith’s phone beeped and, glancing at her message, her face took on a slightly pinched look and she jumped up. Flicking her hair behind her ear, she bent and grabbed her bag off the floor. “That was Mark wondering where I’ve got to. Better dash. I’ve only had one and a half glasses, that should still mean I’m fine to drive, shouldn’t it?”
Polly nodded. After two proseccos and a G&T, she was anything but fine to drive, which meant taking an Uber yet again. And picking her car up after work tomorrow, damn it. Her fun evening seemed to have disintegrated, leaving nothing to show for it but an embarrassing damp patch between her legs.
Carts sprang up too. “I’ll walk you to your car.”
“Oh, no, really,” Judith protested.