
Jeesh, she was being Miss Bitch. Guess he couldn’t really blame her. He eyed her warily.

Her head kicked back in a gesture that told him he was barely worth her breath. “Okay,Solo, I guess seeing as we have to work together, and it seems you may be running a therapy group with me, we had better clear the air.” She stepped forward, dropped her voice. “Just for the record, I love sex. We met by chance and it seemed you quite liked sex too, so, we had sex—really nice sex, I have absolutely no complaints on that front. But I never, ever mix work with pleasure. So there’s no risk of me coming on to you, again. I thought I should make that crystal clear to avoid any further misunderstandings.”

“Very good policy.”

She bared perfect teeth at him. “Fantastic, we’re on the same page then.” An exaggerated eye-roll. “Sogoodto clear the air, it’s been worrying away at me all day.” Her foot, he noticed, was tap-tapping on the tarmac. “Just one thing I’d love to know before we put it all behind us. Why did you lie to me about your work?”

He shrugged. “Guess I thought it might spoil the fun. It can put people off, once they hear you’re a shrink.”

“Bypeople,I presume you meanwomen.” She gave a shrug and her bulky bag slipped. “Must admit I’d never have placed you as one. Psychiatrist, I mean, not casual shagger. You’re clearly great at the latter.” She yanked the bag almost viciously back onto her shoulder. “Though something was a bit off about the construction work thing. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it at the time, but of course… now it makes total sense.”

She cocked her head, eyes too bright. “So, your official chat-up line is manual labourer? Rough and ready works, huh?”

Hell, no.He wasn’t prepared to let her think he was like that. He didn’t do casual sex the way she clearly did, and for some reason that fact stabbed him in the solar plexus.

He met her exaggerated innocent look steadily. “I’ve never said that to a woman before in my life.”

A perfect eyebrow flicked up. “No?”

“No. Despite what you may think, I’m not in the habit of wild Saturday nightshagsin hotels. And yes, you’re right, it was very nice sex. Don’t worry, I won’t make another move. Strictly professional from now on.”

He shoved his helmet onto his head, flicked up the visor. “If you don’t mind, I’ll be on my way—it’s been a long first day.”

She nodded, lips curling. “Go home and have yourself a smoko, why don’t you?”

He narrowed his eyes at her, shoved the key in the ignition, and revved the engine.

As he drove off, Solo made sure he did a couple of zigzags along the street, just in case Polly Fletcher thought for one moment that he actually cared about the possibility of never having sex with her again.

Very. Very. Nice. Sex.