“Mate” now? Better and better.

“What’ll it be, Aaron?” Their father raised a brow.

Aaron noticed they were both drinking whisky on the rocks. “Got any beer?”

He was sure his dad stifled a wince. “You’ll have to go to the kitchen if you want beer. I don’t keep any in here.”

Aaron shrugged. “Gin and tonic then.”

While his dad organised his drink, Aaron had no choice but to pull up one of the formal chairs kept next to the huge mahogany desk for visitors. He sprawled onto it, slouching down the padded back, one vertebra at a time.

Oliver crossed his long legs and swirled the amber liquid in his glass.

To deflect any more fake bonhomie, Aaron said, “Remind me, what’s the event you’re here for?”

Oliver cast himTheLook. The one that said he was the infinitely more considerate brother. The brother whorememberedstuff.

“The International Authors Fair at Perth University.”


“Have you read the copy of my new book I sent?”

“Not yet.”

Oliver gave a miniscule shake of his head, then took a swig of whisky.

David handed Aaron his drink. “Planning to squander our substantial pay increase on drinking and clubbing, are we?”

Aaron ground his back teeth together. He’d be spending it on cosmetic dental treatment at this rate.

“Have you got an investment plan in place yet?”

“I’m onto it.”

“And I assume your superannuation contributions are all sorted?”

“I’ve filled in the paperwork, yes.”

“I meant, are you topping it up? Salary sacrificing.”

“Okay, Dad, let up,” Oliver interjected smoothly. “I haven’t seen you guys since Christmas. Let’s start off on the right footing, shall we?”

Aaron jabbed his finger into his drink to stir it. He knew it gave Dad the screaming shits. “How’s Lee-annie?”


“That’s the one.”

Oliver grinned, ignoring the jibe. “Five years together coming up next month. In fact, I’ve got some news… No—on reflection I’ll save that until everyone’s here.”

David gave an encouraging throat rumble.

Oliver raised a hand. “No, Dad. Gran and Andrea will want to share in this. Anyhow, quick segue: what’s happening in the romance stakes with you, Aaron?”

The doorbell trilling “Greensleeves” prevented the need to answer, but not before a pulse had started up at Aaron’s temples accompanied by another one… well, never mind where. Both of which were clearly intent on disturbing every last ounce of his peace of mind.

The truth of it was he’d been reflecting too often these past four days on the weird interaction with Alice at the beach. He thanked his stars that Rowena had called, because if she hadn’t… well. There had been a serious risk that he could have been tempted to…kiss Alice.