Geoff Trojan descended, then Archie, who handed Aaron a glass of champagne and muttered, “Beer later, out the back, once the girls aren’t watching.”

Aaron flashed his teeth, the way he’d watched Archie do at lunch. It had struck him as charming and disarming, the sudden wide, almost cheeky, grin emerging out of a deadly serious visage. He intended to perfect it. Improve on it, even.

A waitress shoved a platter of tiny little canapes at him. He raised an eyebrow and she ventured, “Sea vegetable mousse, topped with fried green ants on a tuile of Albany seaweed.”

Aaron took it and wondered if it would be possible to dispose of it anywhere but in his mouth. He guessed the pot plants were out of bounds.

“Not sure who to introduce you to first. The whole team are here and eager to meet you.” Archie’s piercing steel-grey eyes scanned the room. “Now, where’s Alice?”

Why was it that so far everyone seemed more interested in Alice than in him? Yes, this confirmed it, hehadjoined the mafia. One big, happy family.

He pointed with his champagne glass to where Alice was now seated neatly on a sofa and two other women were leaning forward, eagerly talking at her.

“Ah-ha. The petite brunette. Lovely.” Bendt nodded.

The quieter of the three, Fink gave a rare smile. “Perfect foil for you.”

How the heck would they know? They hadn’t even met her yet.

Aaron nodded, turning the canape around and around in his fingers. “She is.” He jumped as something tugged at his trouser leg. He looked down to see a brown and white pooch, with a very snub nose. It was making weird grunting noises.

Aaron couldn’t help wondering if it might fancy a canape.