Chapter One

“So,Aaron, tell us all aboutyou.”

Caught in the combined stares of the partners of Trojan, Bendt and Fink, Aaron managed to resist the urge to fiddle with his cufflinks.

He’d been certain they were about to offer him the position of senior associate.

Obviously not.

“Consider this an off the record chat,” Archibald,“call me Archie,”Bendt of the iron-man handshake continued.

“Just to check our values and yours sit well together.” Charles Fink stretched an arm towards the bread rolls.

Aaron swallowed hard. “Right. Of course. Sounds very reasonable.”Not.

Geoff Trojan, the senior partner, leaned across the restaurant table, his expression deadpan. “You know we will own you, don’t you, Aaron? If you work for us, you will have no secrets.” He burst out laughing, joined seconds later by his colleagues.

Christ!What were they playing at?

Aaron knew he’d nailed the interview last week; an hour and a half of curly litigation questions he’d answered thoroughly to much head nodding. He’d even injected some well-timed humour. So when the call came inviting him to lunch to “discuss the details”, he’d let his fantasies have free rein: his name on the door of an office with river views; the heady thrill of a partnership offer. Okay, so a partnership wasn’t imminent, but landing the senior associate position made it within grasping distance.

No way was he going to blow it now.

He took a sip of his water; placed it down next to his meagrely filled wine glass. Smiled until his teeth ached. “What would you like to know?”

“Well, of course, we’re all familiar with your background,” Trojan said. “Your father’s a clever guy. Fantastic podcasts. I listen to them on my way to work. But right now we wantyouto impress us,Aaron; tell us what makes you tick. Likes. Dislikes. Hobbies. Current relationship status.”

Aaron’s veins turned icy.


As in, flings. Duration strictly no more than three months.As in, catch a whiff of commitment and Aaron was out the door so quick even his shadow was caught unawares. Shit on wheels.He was going to have to think on his feet here.

Charles Fink gave a faux apologetic smile. “To be honest with you, Aaron, we’re down to the wire; it’s between you and one other candidate. So, now’s your chance to pip the opposition at the post.”

Aaron cleared his throat. “I run marathons, for charity mostly. I enjoy working out. I guess you’d call me a bit of a fitness fanatic, I find exercise keeps my mind sharp. Other than that; spending time with friends, family, er… travelling. Dislikes, not many, though I’ve never really been keen on oysters.”

The air at the table vibrated with expectation. They were wanting more.


A sudden thought struck him with an almost audible thud. Would she go along with it? Hell, this would stretch the bonds of friendship, but desperate circumstances required desperate measures. “And I have a girlfriend, Alice.”

“Fantastic,” Trojan said. “How long have you been together?”

Aaron’s tongue felt like sandpaper. “Four months.” Not the right answer, clearly, judging by their stone-eyed stares.Four months doesn’t qualify as long-term in their books, idiot.He gave a flimsy laugh. “Wow, time flies; it onlyfeelslike four months. Must be at least a year.” He frowned. “Come to think of it, probably closer to two.”

“Any plans to tie the knot?”

He nearly reeled back in his chair. When would this torture end? “I’m keen to, but she’s… she’s…”

About to kill me? Probably.

Trojan’s brows waggled. “She is?”

“Oh, you know.” Aaron waved a vague hand. “Slower than me on the marriage thing. Death do us part and all that… I mean, don’t get me wrong, she’s very committed, but, yeah, she’s being mature about it all.”

“And what does Alice do, Aaron?” Trojan wasn’t letting up.