He drew in a breath.

Maybe this would be as good a time as any to bring up the dating issue once more. Given how their afternoon was panning out, he might get a more favourable response.

He was about to open his mouth when Alice leaned forward and planted both elbows on the table. Two bright spots of colour flared on her cheeks.

“I’ll do it,” she said.

Aaron eyed her cautiously, not sure whether byit, she meant what he thought she did.

“The girlfriend thing,” she rushed on. “I’ve decided I’ll do it.”

“Really?”A little bubble of unease made its way up his throat. He’d expected this to call for some serious persuasion tactics. Somehow it all seemed too easy, and Alice appeared, well, kind of—agitated.She picked up her glass and took a large gulp, then another. He watched her throat move as she swallowed. Contents drained, she plonked the glass back down next to her plate.

“Yep.” She gave a little hiccup, followed by a hand slapped over her mouth and a giggle. “Sorry, I don’t normally do that. Tastes disgusting. I do have a request though, in return.”

He shrugged. “Sure. Fire away.” Honestly, how hard could an Alice request be?

Slender fingers fluttered to the string of pearls at her neck. Her gaze dropped away and she seemed fascinated by the paper tablecloth. “I need you to teach me how to flirt.”


“You know,flirt,” she said, her cheeks now beetroot. “I need to learn how to do it.”


“So I can get a boyfriend.”

Aaron blinked. Alice flirting with men wasn’t something he’d ever really contemplated. As for a boyfriend? Apart from a couple of short-lived relationships, Alice had always been a boyfriend-free zone. Free and available whenever he needed her. He pulled himself together. “That’s ridiculous, you’ve had boyfriends before. You managed to find them yourself without any help.”

She flashed him a twisted little smile and started pleating the tablecloth. “Two boyfriends, Aaron. I’m twenty-six years old and I’ve only had two boyfriends. And neither of them stuck around for long. That’s not a great track record, is it?

He cast his mind back. “There was what’s-his-face… the guy who was studying quantum physics.”


“Yes, and… Joseph, wasn’t it?”


“That’s right, Jeremy, who used to come to the pub on Fridays with you. Wasn’t he heavily into gaming?”

“But not heavily into me. That’s the problem, I don’t seem to inspire full-blown lust.”

“Full-blown lust?” He was beginning to feel like a parrot.

She nodded. “Could I have another glass of wine, please?”

There was a long, drawn-out silence while he poured. “What help do you think I would be…” His voice trailed off as he watched her smoothing out the tablecloth with her palms.

“Well, you’re experienced at dating. And you also happen to be my closest male friend by miles. So I figured, that’s a good combination. You know what appeals to guys. Besides,” she continued, picking up her wine glass, “it’s water-tight, because it won’t getawkwardbetween us.After a few tips from you I’m sure I’ll feel okay to put my profile on Tinder.” She flashed him a bright smile. “Come to think of it, you could help me write it.”

“Tinder!” he almost yelped. “Alice, I really don’t think—”

She raised an eyebrow. “Why not?”

“It’s full of guys out for a quick shag.”

“Like you?”