Aaron bit his lip. Swallowing his cynical scoff was probably the kindest thing, because frankly, however much advice Aaron gave him, Carts was a sucker for women who took pleasure in draining his bank account only to scarper when a better offer came along. At least with Lucy, Carts had got laid over the past year, which was more than could be said for his luck with the two before her. Though from Carts’ account it was usually in the dark and never on a weeknight because Lucy was always too tired. Hence the naturopath and a personal trainer that Carts had obligingly forked out for.

“You don’t believe me,” Carts burst out.

“I didn’t say a word.”


“Okay,” Aaron prevaricated. “For what it’s worth, I don’t think it’s a great idea to offer an engagement ring after the horse has bolted.”

“That’s not a nice analogy.”

“Metaphorically speaking.”

“Oh. Right.” Carts picked up his glass. “What’s wrong with it?”

“Because… because…”Because she’s clearly not into you enough, mate, that’s why.“Maybe see what she has to say first. Get a feel for if the split was about her wanting more from you. Then take it from there.”

Carts gave this a moment’s thought. “That’s a pathetic idea. I shouldn’t even be listening to you. You wouldn’t know love if it hit you in your freakin’ balls.”

Aaron grinned. “If that’s where it hits, I’d say I’m pretty much an expert.”

“Yeah, well, what d’ya know? Certificate of excellence for the one-night shag awarded to Aaron Blake for his endeavours in the field.” Carts waved his glass in Aaron’s face, then downed the contents and slammed it onto the counter. “Same again, mate,” he called over his shoulder to Paddy, the Shamrock’s barman.

Paddy sauntered over. “Any news on the job?” he asked with a raised eyebrow at Aaron.

Another weird gut contraction. What was wrong with him? He should be shouting it from the rooftops.

Aaron forced a smile. “Yeah, actually. I had lunch with the partners today and got the call this afternoon.”

“Dude. Why didn’t you say? I’ve been droning on about my own crap, and you’ve just landed the job of a lifetime. Congratulations.” Carts uncoiled from his stool and gave Aaron a slap on the back.

“What’s with the bromance?” A bright red head bobbed into Aaron’s field of vision. Dan Roach, the last member of the school-friend trio, dragged up a bar stool.

Paddy cracked his knuckles. “Aaron’s had some good news. You’re buying the next round, mate.”

Dan’s eyes rounded. “You got it? Seriously? Shit, youdid. You’re going to be a big swinging dick around town.”

Caught in a headlock that only a rugby left-sider could deliver, Aaron managed to croak, “Thanks, mate. Now take your filthy hands off me and buy me a drink.”

For the next hour, maybe two—seriously, who was counting on a Friday night when you’d landed a kick-arse job?—the three of them downed pints, discussed what Aaron’s new office would look like, analysed why Dan’s last rugby match had them relegated to bottom of the league and ribbed Carts for thinking the idea of marrying Lucy had any merit whatsoever.

But after a further sojourn at the bespoke rum bar near the quay, when his friends suggested going to the casino, Aaron hesitated. He was already a bit wasted and a trip to the casino meant getting home in the wee small hours and spending his weekend feeling less than sharp. And he needed to stay sharp for Sunday with Alice.

A wave of nausea rose up his throat. Yep, he’d definitely had one too many.

“Guys, I’m going to call it a day.”

“Wuss!” said Dan.

“Yeah, you wimp,” Carts seconded. The conversation was clearly deteriorating to an earlier phase of the life cycle. Based on past experience, Aaron knew things would only get messier from here.

Aaron downed the last mouthful of his rum.

“Nah, I’m off. I’ve got a busy weekend lined up.”

“Still coming to watch us beat the Kicking Roos on Sunday?” Dan’s eyes were two pools of blue swimming in bloodshot whites.

Aaron hesitated again. How was he going to keep his mates out of this fiasco? The Shamrock was the closest pub to Trojan’s. What if his work colleagues turned up there on a Friday night and the conversation gravitated to Alice, hisgirlfriend? Dan and Carts wouldn’t buy it for a second, unless—unless he gave them a hint that he was actually interested in Alicethat wayalready. A hard one to pull off, but… “Sorry, can’t. I’m seeing Alice,” he heard himself say.