And ha, she could hardly take the moral high ground, could she? Look at her, ears primed for rejection, stalking off like a bristling cat. What if she’d kept her cool, stayed put, listened properly instead of cutting him off? Could they have sorted it out?
Mind you, Aaron hadn’t texted her since, not even to ask about how meeting Henry had gone. Which, you could argue, was the biggest event in her life if you didn’t count being born; no, he’d shown not a skerrick of interest. Surely that was proof he didn’t care?
Except, of course, she’d told him not to contact her, that she only wanted to see him when she could feel—what had she said? Completelyindifferent to him.
Alice groaned and dropped her head in her hands. “I didn’t give him a chance. I was too hurt and angry.”
“And that, my dear, is entirely understandable. But you and Aaron have been good friends for a long time. Before all the other stuff happened. That bond will still be there.”
They sat and stared at their drinks for a long moment. Picked them up and took a sip in unison. Then they looked at each other with exactly the same quirked eyebrow and burst out laughing.
Henry reached over and patted her hand across the table. “It sounds to me like the poor chap has fallen for you jolly hard. Frankly, I think he’s drowning.”
Alice stared at her father helplessly. “What should I do now?”
“Throw him a line, Ell- iss,” Henry said gently. “Give him a chance to save himself.”